AV Students for Social Change

Following the Florida school shooting in early 2018, we decided to join the Parkland student activists and take action. We contacted administrators and created petitions to plan a district-wide walkout in our local schools for common sense gun control. We also held a town fundraiser to raise awareness and funds for Parkland, raising over $2,600 in three hours.​

​​This event inspired us to create Students for Social Change, a student-run and non-partisan organization of motivated youth activists who want to make the world more just and equal. Since the fundraiser, we have expanded our cause to include not only gun reform, but also other important social issues we feel strongly about. As your future voters and lawmakers, we are committed to using our voices to create positive social change.​

We are now bringing this passion to a Amador-run chapter. Amador will mimic the larger SSC non-profit by doing events and orchestrating conversations.

To learn more about our nonprofit, visit: http://www.studentsforsocialchange.org

Past events: Nationwide walkout to protest gun violence, Women's March, Gun Control speaker panel with Assemblywoman Catharine Baker

Current Projects in the Works:

Covid-19 Response

supporting students with resources during these difficult times and providing opportunities to uplift young people's voices

Social Media Campaign

creating outreach and educational resources around current events (anti-racism, Covid-19, social justice, mental health, etc.)

Follow us on Instagram: @students4socialchange to see more of our outreach posts & materials, similar to the ones shown above

To join: please us your email at studentsforsocialchangee@gmail.com so you can receive emails and updates about our club