Tarifa Art conference 2019
La Vega Studios, Tarifa, Spain
During the 1st Art Conference of Artists from the Campo de Gibraltar which took place in la Vega Studios Tarifa during the weekend of the 18th October 2019 all works produced were all of an experimental nature. During the conference Judith Shaylor ran the workshop ¨Sensory Overload ¨. During the workshop the Artists were exposed to three especially chosen pieces of music, Hurrian Hymn number 6, Vox Balaenae and Hieronymus Bosch’s butt song, accompanied with either a taste, smell or touch. After each round of music the Artists brainstormed their experiences in pairs and then went on to produce the works which where displayed in an exhibition.
The exhibition HIDDEN/ESCONDIDO opened on Sunday 3rd November 2019 in Guzman el Bueno Castle Tarifa. The exhibition showcased new works created during the 2 day confrence/ residency by Artists: Aimie Desoisa, Alan John Perez, Lizanne Figueras, Naiomi Martinez, Oliver Canessa , Patrizia Imossi and Phoebe Kelly of Kitchen Studios Gibraltar and Ania Maza, Karen Emslie, Karina Zothner, Manuel Ortiz, Tracy Church Rodriguez and Viña Winiarczyk of ACT0 ( Association of contemporary artists Tarifa) and curated by ACT0 member Judith Shaylor