My inner Turmoil, GEMA, Gibraltar

Over the years I have been working on a project based on Identity and I have asked myself some questions like, who am I? where do I come from? and looked myself as a subject of study. I have looked at my DNA and gone for an ECG to collect personal data which i have used in my work.

I have studied myself through self expression and recorded images through photography and an area which interests me is spontaneous actions as a mean to explore my inner self

I have also investigated dates of birth from my parents and sons and used the numbers to create bar codes which which is a language of industry. For me it is very interesting how numbers are converted to lines which are then scanned and converted to a digital language. This contemporary language which has developed from classical mark making through line and numbers was contrasted with traditional plaster casts of my hands and feet. I did also this with my father and both my sons and researched links in finger prints to each other and how they connect and have come from the same source.

looking at moving images of foetus of my son's, have made me ask myself questions about creation and life. I will continue to work on this project through out my life

This is who I am


Whilst you were sleeping

What's in your mind?