Following a wide-spread appeal for artists to apply for the Jersey Arts Trust’s Inter-Island Artist Lock-in, 17 artists from the  majority of Islands competing in the NatWest Island Games were selected for the 10 day artistic residency. The artists are from  a variety of disciplines and are widely diverse in their backgrounds, artistic mediums and experiences.  Jersey Arts Trust has been overwhelmed with the interest and enthusiasm that has been expressed towards the project. Artists  travelled from: Åland, Alderney, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Faroe Isles, Gibraltar, Greenland, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Isle of  Wight, the Western Isles, Shetland Isles, Saint Helena, Saaremaa and Rhodes to participate in the project.

Oppression – Collaborative installation performance photos of project “Oppression”.

This collaborative project was done during the Jersey 2015 Artist lock-in. The main theme was to explore the idea of Islandness and the connection between  them. I collaborated with a visual artist, a writer and a story teller/ musician and explored themes in recent history which connected our Islands . The  Oppression suffered by civilians during the Second World War was a common theme between our Islands, (Gibraltar, Orkney, Western Isles and Guernsey )  and spoken foreign language linked our past. The Performance / Installation was a dialogue between spoken language, physical drawing and human behaviour, which connected to space it was done in a German WW2 look out at the top of Elizabeth Castle in Jersey.

Olas – Collaborative installation performance photos of project “Olas”.

This collaborative project was done during the Jersey 2015 Artist lock-in. The main theme was to explore the idea of Islandness and the similarities and differences between them. I collaborated with an artist from the Faroe Islands Kristina Sorensen Ougaard  and the Installation/ Performance reflects the resemblance and diversity between Gibraltar and the Faroe Islands through a dialogue of dance and moving sculpture. Dance is medium which echoes the physical and mental activity that is drawing, and is similar as a tool when composing or choreographing.

Other Projects – Collaborative installation photos of other projects.

Using sand creating a world for your avatar

Using wind

Collaborating in projects

Drawing sound