Your Life

Your life is just a grain of sand on the world beach and everything about you is collected for future exploit. Your life is stored on Big Data Farms that have become so cheap, every movement of your life is saved for future analysis.

There is NO such thing as anonymous any more. Your cell phone, digital watch, tablet and computer all track and communicate your movements, even if you pull the batteries and turn the device off. A lead lined box is your only preventer from transmitting your data. Your mobile phone can transmit your exact whereabouts via Bluetooth, cell tower triangulation even if you purchased a burner phone for cash, as you forgot to leave your own cell phone at home so it could not be recognized on the same cell tower?

As you walk throughout your life, facial recognition has captured and saved your location on the Big Data Farm for comparison with others who may be laundering money, selling drugs, paying to have a spouse killed or just taking your photo with a friend, to be retrieve if you decide to run for a future political office.

Your government has tapped into undersea cables, fiber optics, microwave repeaters to capture your every movement, so way off in the future, some nice guy who turns into a bad guy can be associated with a comment you made in a Starbucks lineup 5 years ago. Your fingerprints, iris scan, voice scan & facial recognition will be the subject of scrutiny forever on that great database in the cloud. No need to update your resume as your employer can hire a complete summary of your John Doe cv for less money than an human resource person.

CCTV camera's are everywhere searching for bad guys, bail jumpers, most wanted criminals, student debtors, income tax avoiders and all the friends they have known, so that they can track you down when they have idle time on their hands.

Big databases of names and faces have been scraped off Facebook, Instagram and all social medias and not just the owners name and photo, but all the other people who are shown as friends, tagged or compared to other facial recognition databases. The witness protection program is a thing of the past. You can be found anywhere and your whereabouts tracked back from where you came.

All the components in your car are sending signals to Bluetooth receivers, your mobile phone or step tracker watch and forwarding your location to databases recording a time and date stamp to prove or disprove you were there during the performance of a crime 5 years from now. Your DNA and digital signature can now associate your involvement.

The camera doorbells are stitched together to create a house by house surveillance patchwork to fill in all the gaps of neighborhood cameras together with GPS coordinates and everything stored on a cloud near you. Years from now they can re-create the exact time and place your movements. Your mobile phone, computer and tablet camera can be switched ON remotely, even if the device is turned off and audio and video can capture whatever the camera can see.

Big Social Media means big profit. The sale of your data can be distributed widely and often. No more need for home survey requests when the data can be bought from a single source and then re-sell or re-used in a related business multiple times.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is intelligence machine software that can automate the procedures normally performed by humans but at thousands of functions per second. AI can strip out years of data held in one of those Big Database Servers about you and re-create your whole life, in a matter of seconds. That AI function can also tell who you spoke with or saw during your entire life.

The cost of storing Big Data is now so cheap, that one inquiry contract will pay for multiple servers for years. Google, Amazon (AWS), Microsoft and Adobe have competing storage systems operating at multiple redundant sites throughout the world, so deleting data from one server will not delete redundant data backed up data on other servers. Your data is now considered permanent.

Your data can be hacked. As you login to various sites, your user ID and password is verified with that site, then is hacked and copied against your identity from other sites. Each user ID, fingerprint scan, iris scan, voice scan and facial recognition scan is stored in the same Big Data file together with your IRS tax filing, medical history, birth records and DNA swabs from virus tests done on you. Your complete history is an open book for those who can read it.

Your data includes your search history, your online purchases, your social media discussions, together with what you watch online. The music you listen too and the movies you stream have all been stored against your file, so your life can be included in a demographic profile for those who want to know if you vote Democrat or Republican, Liberal or Conservative and when the need arrives, they can bombard you with political bloatware so it can still be considered a democracy voted "By The People". You are going to be manipulated like no other people have been in the past.

This is the beginning of CodeWar. Computer Code is the new way of fighting. People can be swayed by tailoring advertisements to various viewers, as you walk through a store your mobile phone, step tracker watch can transmit which advertisements you were interested in and make you aware you are walking past that very same shirt, jacket or shoes. Your will-power will be worn down by repeated ad alerts.

Technology is invading every facet of your life. As an array of satellites have been sent into space to create a continuous network to connect every person on earth and they network operator can make sure no one will miss an advertisement to influence you. Social influencers with large followings are paid big salaries to peddle the correct message to you.