TTV Text-to-Video

All Ai seems to start with TEXT

But our first language is Spoken.  Ai needs to translate our spoken voice ( using Google Translate ) into text that populates an input TEXT box that forwards the text script into a Command read by GPT-type input and uses the Chat GPT format to create one of the output format's listed below.

Open Assistant Grand Vision VUI uses a Voice interface = 

The script is used to create art, an Ai still image, an Ai video, an Ai created blog, Ai content or words spoken by an Ai created humanoid robot.

Artificial Intelligence Ai has caused a huge number of companies hopeful to become the NEXT BIG APP.  Major companies are vying with ai startups to have their company name recognized.  There are over 300 companies on our LINKS page here and more arriving each day.  To review each project, I believe an easier trial needs to be created that does NOT require Credit Card Input, email address input or your real first and last name.  The most popular projects allow you to trial their offering without needing your identity.

All Ai seems to start with TEXT

A user types text that becomes a script.  The script is used to create art, an Ai still image, an Ai video, an Ai created blog, Ai content or words spoken by an Ai created humanoid robot.

Input a few lines of text and output various examples showing the app results.  If the user chooses to make regular use of the ai app, the user may feel inclined to provide their name and email address.  Enthusiasm  may  encourage the user to provide their credit card info for a trial or monthly subscription.  Promotion of a startup product requires significant financial capital and most startups are shy with their available cash.  AiTrial is ready to create the launchpad for new ai projects.

Input a small amount of text and send the output to multiple display examples of ai video, ai gpt text, ai art, or any form a new startup chooses to display.  Let your imagination visualize an ai tasting room.

I am looking for an ai coder/group who can take text box content and convert it to multi display's of text to video, text to image, text to art, text to gpt content to showcase various ai apps.  The right person will have aspiration to champion an ai startup and take it to sale and/or IPO completion.  Drop me a line if interested.  Doug ( )

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