AI Blog

Blogs were created by humans, but now you can use an Artificial Intelligent BOT to create your thoughts, save the AI content and publish it under your own name. No more writers block, no need to think up the "Theme" or what is popular, your AI Bot can do it all. To begin with, you need to provide some parameters and select some AI software to create the words.

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========= To Use AI to create a Blog Watch

Use Artificial Intelligence AI can write your BLOG for you.

Start by using clicking on = >

Next click on Youtube Tab and then go to T Title Generator pulldown> Next Insert your Video Topic and click Generate

Next Go To AI Tab and down to > Outline Generator > Add Content to Video Topic Box > the click Generate

Consider using Jasper AI and for including Stats

Use for content ideas > Next fill in topic ideas >

Fill in Title > Text Re-writer > Next use for Title ideas >

Next use > to re-write paragraphs that you have "extracted from the Internet".

Increasing Traffic on Google Video =

Go to Blogger to set up a blog