Paola Torres Nuñez del Prado

Sincreto IV

Technical data

This particular work consists of the 3D reconstruction using Nvidia’s Instant Neural Graphic Primitives implementation (Instant-ngp NERF) of a real-world 3D printed sculpture recorded with a hand held mobile phone.

As an artist, Paola has been working with computer glitches for more than 10 years, interested in these as contributors for creativity and change. She started using photogrammetry as a tool for generating these over 3D objects, when the generated reconstruction did not come well.

Continuing in this line of work, the Nvidia’s Instant Neural Graphic Primitives implementation, that follows the Neural Radiance Field method, was used to generate novel view scenes from an original low quality video, so to be presented as an artwork that implicitly recognized the violent transformation of a real-world sculpture after people intervened it.

Paola Torres Núñez del Prado, with support of Jonas Pajari as Artificial Ingenuity, had done the original 3D digital model for the sculpture, presented as that of another artist (the one who hired Paola) in a popular public space in Stockholm, Sweden. After the country´s elections (where the far right became the second force in the Nation) unknown people ripped the sculpture´s arms off. The act of bringing back the sculpture to the digital realm, after being transformed by people and being taken away from public view, was an act that would recognize their gesture as protest intending to leave it for posterity, as the sculpture does not exist anymore.

Sincreto IV

In early Torres Núñez del Prado was hired to do a 3D character model based on the standard ones generated by crowd simulation software, so to be printed and shown as public art. The aim was to represent a generic, androgynous, seemingly average digital personna. The final 3D printed, slim and bald character was set up, arms extended, in the middle of a public square in Stockholm, Sweden. Some days after a controversial Swedish election, the arms were found to be ripped off from the huge final sculptural 3D print exhibited in the square: this is notable as the main party that won the elections is considered to have origins in the Far Right, and in this context, the extended raised arms could have gained a new meaning, being considered a problematic symbol by citizens. Through the use of Artificial Intelligence, more specifically, the Neural Radiance Field method, the physical manifestation of public intervention onto the so-called "generic" human sculpture is reconstructed and made into a new artwork, so to address how symbols change alongside the social milieu, the impossibility of neutrality within the digital realm, and ultimately, analyzing both artists' and citizen's ethos and practices within Public Art.

Bio of the artists

Main author: Paola Torres Núñez del Prado

Honorary Mention @Prix Ars Electronica, 2021 - Google Artists + Machine Intelligence Residence Grant recipient, 2019 - Vivo Mobile Media Award, Brasil, 2013.

Paola Torres Núñez del Prado (PE/SE) explores the boundaries and connections in between tactility, the visual and audio related to the human voice, to nature, and to synthetic ones, such as machine or digital noises. Her work is essentially complex: she explores the limits of the senses, examining the concepts of interpretation, translation and misrepresentation, so as to reflect on mediated sensorial experiences while questioning the cultural hegemony within the history of Technology and the Arts.

Technical support: Jonas Pajari

Jonas Pajari (SE) is a Creative Technologist working jointly with Paola Torres as Artificial Ingenuity. He implements various Neural Networks systems for such duo projects, as well as having experience with photogrammetry and drone recordings.