David Camargo

Reconquest (Reconquista)

Technical data:


A non fungible token (NFT), originally hosted on the "Hic Et Nunc" platform, which is complemented by a storytelling about the future reconquest of Tlatelolco, Mexico, by an unknown mold.


1920 X 1080

3D model from Google maps, modified and textured with procedural 3D tools.

Price: 5 Tezos (XTZ)

Edition: 20/20

Minted: 14/09/2021

Token ID: https://teia.art/objkt/303687

Contract: https://tzkt.io/KT1RJ6PbjHpwc3M5rw5s2Nbmefwbuwbdxton

The artwork is visible on any device that supports modern Web browsers (e.g. Firefox, Opera, Chrome). Its dimension varies according to the interactor device screen.

Reconquest (Reconquista) - David Camargo

"The rite of conquest was advancing like an infection"

Jorge Baradit

It was never known when they arrived, there was never any suspicion of their origin or their absolute will to exist. The ancients knew that something secret was already spreading in the land before the arrival of the white man, but they also felt that a new species accompanied the steps of the bearded ones. They knew that the war between peoples did not compare with the possibility of both spores allying to take over everything and gradually nurture the ground of the inevitable. Human histories mattered little, generations died and were born without even noticing their slow advance.

It all began in Tlatelolco, it was there that the reconquest took place: ground zero. The first outbreak occurred 500 years after this last bastion of Mexica resistance fell to the Spanish crown. The mold began to spread rapidly, taking advantage of the subterranean warp that the fungi kingdom had woven eons ago. Without knowing it, everything was plotted and planned, these timeless beings had built a communication network so efficient that it was exploited by that first outbreak on that Thursday of September, when the two types of mold collided and generated a chain reaction impossible to control. In less than a day Tlatelolco had fallen, there was no time to evacuate, only a few managed to get to safety, no warning signs, confusion took over the masses and the entire city was destroyed just a couple of weeks later. All over the world there were similar outbreaks, the advance of the mold was errant and capricious, unpredictable.

Nothing has ever been the same again and dwelling on the details becomes unnecessary, human life as we knew it has become extinct, we are now living in the era of beings that were always there, organizing time and space for their own survival, in a timeless and unsuspected silence.

David Camargo

He is a Visual Artist from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), he attended the Multiple Media Seminar 3 and La Colmena (Interdisciplinary Art Workshop). His work focuses on exploring narratives around the notion of simulacrum in the context of a society mediated by images. He has exhibited in national and international forums, such as: La Polis Imaginada, El Quinto Piso, CDMX (2015); Critical Angle, CMM-CENART, CDMX (2015); Black Box MM+TAE, 11th Havana Biennial (2012); #New Video-Political Realities, Valencia, Spain (2012); Presentation of the AGN –General Denial File–, CCUT, CDMX (2011); Emerging Art/Monterrey National Biennial, Nuevo León (2010); Transitio_mx 03. Autonomies of disagreement (2009); VII National Experimental Video Contest, Baja California (2009); Iberoamerican Audiovisual Biochemistry, MACO, Oaxaca (2008-2009) and XXVIII National Meeting of Young Art, Aguascalientes (2008); among others. He is co-author of the book Medios Múltiples 3 (2011) and is part of the mART catalog, Selection of Emerging Artists for New Collectors (2007-08). He is currently a member of the TLC collective (Traffic Free of Knowledge); Coordinator of the Moving Images Laboratory of the Multimedia Center, CENART and an artist-in-residence at the Jan van Eyck Academie.

