Fabiola Larios

Miss Unniverse GAN

Technical data:

Generative Adversarial Networks. MP4.1024 x 1024. 2021.

Miss Unniverse GAN - Fabiola Larios

The story of beauty standards through the eyes of an AI was created with the winners of the Miss Universe pageant since the contest began in 1952. Beauty standards are continually changing and evolving each year. This AI expresses a conglomeration of computer-generated beauty.

I'm interested in the current techno-political environment surrounding data-sensitivity and surveillance capitalism through the historical context of appropriation in contemporary art. The issues of data sensitivity and privacy in regards to machine learning, how we treat our information with such little care that it is easily available to be used for profit, advertising campaigns, and against us at our expense. Accessible data on the internet is now public property for computational and economic gains.

Fabiola Larios

New Media Artist, her work addresses the concepts of identity, vulnerability, and the representation of the self on the Internet. Through machine learning, she works with extracting information and images from the internet, using and manipulating facial recognition to address issues such as the selfie, the internet persona, avatars, and surveillance capitalism.