Iván Paz


Technical data:

Technique: Live Coding using the SuperCollider programming language.

Format: Digital video recording.

Year: 2022

7-51 - Iván Paz

Live coding is a improvisational performative practice where humans create music or visuals by means of algorithms. It uses source code as the main interface to write, modify an tweaked algorithms in real time.

Nowadays, live coding practice is 20 years old, having grown up along the processes that shifted AI and machine learning research at mid-90s.

By using machine learning within real time we look at the diverse algorithmic agencies of the learning systems and the live coding feedback loop entangles mind, body and machines within a physical interaction.

-7-51 "Learning algorithms" is a sonic exploration where the synthesizers presets are decided by an algorithm and conducted by a human.

Iván Paz

Iván Paz has backgrounds in physics, music and computer science. Iván’s work is framed in critical approaches to technology centered around from-scratch construction as an exploratory technique.

Since 2010, he has been part of the live coding community and has presented workshops, conferences and concerts around America and Europe.

He is currently working with machine learning techniques within live coding performance.