She Kills Monsters

Ashland High School Theatrical Society

2023 Fall Production

She Kills Monsters

by Qui Nguyen

Directed by David E. Harrington

Stage Combat Choreographer: Chris Cardoni Artistic Design and Technical Direction: David E. Harrington

Production Staff

Stage Manager: Victoria Batista

Deputy Stage Managers: Aarya Joshi, Enzo Tavares

Lighting Designer and Light Board Operator: Caroline Burrell

Technical Director/Assistant to the Scenic Designer: Erin Benedict

Sound Design and Sound Board: Vee Slowik

Assistant to the Costume Designer: Ashni Dalal

Choreographer: Amelia Uglialoro 

Fight Captain: Alex Cashin

Scenic Crew: Naima Brown

Spot Light: Erin Benedict

House Staff: Carina Brown, Kieran Cade, Naima Brown, Fiore Souza, Zoila Gonzalez, Robert Abramovich


(In order of speaking)

Narrator: Alex Cashin

Tilly Evans: Julia Diamond

Agnes Evans: Koei Cade

Chuck: Alex Cashin

Miles: Sean Bayliss

Lilith: Jordan Norris

Kaliope: Bella Bordieri

Orcus: Anthony Zadorozhnyy 

Vera: Amelia Uglialoro

Steve: Liam Broussard 

Farrah: Julia Gauthier

Evil Gabbi and Evil Tina: Kaylie Eng and Meara Donald

Ensemble: Hannah Mostow, Mercedes MacLean, Claire Williams, Brynn Bodnar

"She Kills Monsters" is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of Samuel French, Inc.