2024 Fall Production

Ashland High School Theatrical Society

2024 Fall Production

A Flea in her Ear

A new version of Georges Feydeau's farce

by David Ives

Friday, November 8 at 7PM

Saturday, November 9 at 7PM

Sunday, November 10 at 2PM

Cautions: Some material may not be suitable or may be inappropriate for children under 13.

A Flea in Her Ear is one of the greatest farces ever written. Set in Paris, the play is a farce involving mistaken identity and absurd misunderstandings. Raymonde suspects her husband, Victor Emmanuel, of infidelity and she turns to her best friend, Lucienne, to help her gain proof. They concoct a play-based on a perfumed letter-to trap him. In true Feydeau fashion the plan misfires; the plot is complicated by confused identities, revolving beds, a great many doors and the fact that the stupid hotel porter, Poche, is the exact double of Victor Emmanuel.

Directed by David E. Harrington

 Artistic Design and Technical Direction: David E. Harrington

Production Staff

Stage Manager: Vee Slowik

Assistant Director: Erin Benedict

Deputy Stage Managers: 

Lighting Designer: William Harding

Costume Designer: 

Sound Design: Aarya Joshi

Technical Director: Naima Brown 

Scenic Artist: Victoria Batista 

Sound Board: Aarya Joshi

 Light Board Operator: William Harding

Scenic Crew: Sean Bayliss, Allyssa Forgit

House Manager: Daniela Davila 

House Staff: Sean Bayliss


(In order of speaking)

Etienne - Harrison Adamec

Antoinette -Gretta Mahn

Camille - Leo Bowman

Dr. Finache - Erick Almeida

Lucienne Homenides de Histangua - Bella Bordieri

Raymonde Chandebise - Julia Gauthier

Victor Emmanuel Chandebise - Alexander Cashin

Romain Tournel - Liam Broussard

Don Carlos Homenides de Histangua - Anthony Zadorozhnyy

Feraillon - Julia Diamond

Eugenie - Brynn Bodnar

Olympia - Julia Castro

Rugby - Ryan Corbett

Baptiste - Claire Williams

Poche -  Alexander Cashin