High Impact Practices


What: TBR 5th Annual HIP Statewide Conference

When: Recorded

Keynote Presentation

Collaboration and Innovation: The Role of Community Colleges in a Digital Economy (Fabiola Riobe): Session Recording

Breakout Session 1

Study Abroad and International Education: Session Recording

Technology Enhanced Learning (Cloud Range Pilot Program): Session Recording, Cloud Range Pilot Presentation Slides, Technology Presentation - Chuck Whiting, Raquel Adams Presentation

Undergraduate Research: Session Recording, Undergraduate-Research-Benefits-for-Community-College-Students, Undergraduate Research_TBR Conference Presentation_Elvira Eivazova, Reading Writing and Researching

CTL Directors/CAOs: Transforming the Culture - Addressing Issues of Equity in Faculty Professional Development (Kirsty Fleming): Session Recording

Breakout Session 2

Service Learning: Session Recording, Service-Learning-&-Student-Outcomes, TN-SLC for TBR, 2022 Volunteer Tennessee Service Learning Opportunities

Technology Enhanced Learning: Animated Video Technology, Storytelling, and Student Engagement Honors Education: Session Recording, Presentation Slides Honors Ed.

Student Employment: Session Recording, Presentation Slides Student Employment

Breakout Session 3

Global Cultural Awareness: The New Kid on the Block: Session Recording

Technology Enhanced Learning: Utilizing e-Portfolio: Session Recording, Presentation Slides

Work-Based Learning: Session Recording, Presentation Slides WBL

CTL Directors/CAOs: Fidelity in HIP Assessment (Jillian Kinzie): Session Recording Pt. 1, Session Recording Pt. 2

Ready to learn more? Request enrollment into training:

What: TBR 4th Annual HIP Statewide Conference

When: Recorded


From Conference Page, (click) go to the "Conference Presentations and Resources", click + to expand and select a recording or handout to download.

General Session Recordings

Breakout Session 1

Teach Students, Not Content

Incorporating International Education in Virtual Environments

Course Revision Grant Group 1: HIPs in English

Breakout Session 2

Honors Online

Student Voices Project

Course Revision Group 2: HIPs in STEM

Breakout Session 3

Managing Service Learning

Course Revision Grant Group 3: HIPs in Social Sciences & Arts

Dr. James M. Lang



Flower Darby



Dr. Michelle Miller


Dr. Mays Imad




When: Thursday, November 19, 2020, 10-11:00am




DATE: Thursday, November 19, 2020, 10-11:00am

DESCRIPTION: Understanding race from both a historical and contemporary lens is critical in fostering an environment of inclusion and belonging. This first workshop focuses on the history of race and how societal constructs have perpetuated individuals and communities to learn and internalize various norms and stereotypes about groups other than their own.


DATE: Tuesday, January 12, 10:30-11:30am

DESCRIPTION: “I don’t see race…racism is a thing of the past!” Or is it? This session examines the impact colorblind ideologies have on color-bound issues and communities of color. This session will seek to explore ways of countering these ideologies both individually and within an organizational context.


DATE: Tuesday, March 16, 10:30-11:30am

DESCRIPTION: Ever felt like you wanted to help in the fight for racial equity and justice, but didn’t know how? This session will focus on providing tools to becoming a helpful ally in the effort to change the systematic inequities that exist within the campus environment.

When: NOW

What: Get HIP to Teach, Resources for HIP Teaching Practices

When: NOW

What: Get HIP to Teach, Resources for HIP Teaching Practices

Get HIP to teach ppt:


Get HIP to teach PDF:


Please visit the TBR High Impact Practices webpage to learn more about HIP-Coded Courses, access the badging materials, and download the TBR HIP Quality Assurance and Coding Packet.

Also, please be sure to check out the brand new TBR Center for Teaching and Learning where you can access the Faculty Resource Guide for these traumatic times, the Teaching Tidbits folder with helps for all HIP Quality Dimensions, the HIPs Online document, and the Virtual Service Learning Activities.

Feel free to reach out any time I might be of help to you. I’m happy to assist in all the ways I am able.

Melynda Conner, PhD High Impact Practice Specialist, Office of Student Success

TBR – The College System of Tennessee Ofc Ph: 615.366.3975 Mobile Ph: 931.801.9811 call/text


When: October 25- 28. 2020

What: 2020 Assessment Institute, Held Virtually

This year, HIPs in the States will be part of the 2020 Assessment Institute, which will be held as a virtual conference October 25th-28th. IUPUI is offering free/complimentary registration for this conference. If you wish to attend, more information is available here: https://assessmentinstitute.iupui.edu/

Welcome to the Assessment Institute Website

We invite you to join us for the 2020 Assessment Institute to be held virtually, October 25-28, 2020. For 2020, we are pleased to offer complimentary registration to attend the virtual Assessment Institute, including our Pre-Institute workshops on Sunday, October 25, to all members of the higher education community. This is our way of supporting colleagues who are facing travel-related concerns or restrictions and resource constraints in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

For more information on registering for the Assessment Institute click here.

The Assessment Institute, hosted by IUPUI and usually held in Indianapolis, Indiana, is the nation’s oldest and largest higher education event of its type, offering more than 200 educational sessions. Typically, the Institute attracts more than 1,000 participants from all 50 states and several other countries representing more than 400 colleges, universities, and organizations.

The Assessment Institute is designed to provide opportunities for (1) individuals and campus teams new to outcomes assessment to acquire fundamental knowledge about the field, (2) individuals who have worked as leaders in outcomes assessment to share and extend their knowledge and skills, and (3) those interested in outcomes assessment at any level to establish networks that serve as sources of support and expertise beyond the dates of the Institute.

Please plan to be with us virtually in October 2020! If you would like to be included in our mailing list, please contact us at planning@iupui.edu.

When: Anytime

By; ACUE: Association of College and University Education

I welcome the opportunity to schedule time with any of you to discuss your college’s goals, and provide an inside look into ACUE’s course in Effective Teaching Practices or Effective Online Teaching Practices.

In know and understand that faculty may be apprehensive about teaching online. Here is a short video compilation of comments from faculty who are featured using evidence-based teaching practices in our online course.

A few additional resources and information I mentioned today:

Please contact me anytime to discuss how we may help support you.

Penny MacCormack Chief Academic Officer, ACUE



July 23, 2020

by: Carol Geary Schneider, and Elaine P. Maimon

To assist your efforts, we have put together In the Wake of the Pandemic, a free online tool kit for educators advancing quality and equity reforms. These tool kit resources are yours to revise and amend as needed:

What are they?

As defined by TBR, "a high impact practice is a pedagogical approach which requires an investment of time and energy over an extended period that has unusually positive effects on student engagement in educationally purposeful behavior (Kuh, 2010). Read more here.

Resources for understanding and implementing High Impact Practices into your classroom:

  • High Impact Practices: An Educator's Guide from the National Association of System Heads (NASH). Topics include:

    • Why HIPs Matter

    • Not sure where to start? (9 question assessment)

    • System vision & leadership

    • Goal setting & communication

    • Teaching & learning

    • Transparency & quality learning

    • Pedagogy & equity

    • Assess & analyze

    • Equitable assessment & action

    • Implement & scale

    • HIPs spotlight

    • Resource library

      • (Note: all areas open within the embedded page and do not have unique URLs).

Additionally, you can refer to these:

Faculty Resources: TBR COVID-19 Guide

Online Lesson Ideas

High-Impact Practices in the Online Classroom

2020 HIP Statewide Conference from TBR

TBR Teaching Tuesdays

Teaching Tuesdays #1

This new Teaching Tuesdays series is designed to support you as we navigate the ever-changing instructional landscape during these unusual times and beyond.

Each week I will record a video message with my personal thoughts to share with you, any news or updates that might be relevant, and a recap of resources from the week before. This morning’s video reminds you to access these helpful tools:

1. Faculty Resources: TBR COVID-19 Guide contains relevant links to instructional and health resources and is updated daily.

2. Melynda’s COVID-19 Online Lesson Ideas is a collection of quick, relevant, easy-to-use activities with your students in the online environment to increase student engagement and build community within the online classroom environment. My goal is to add at least 3 new activities each week. I’d love to hear how it goes if you try any of them!

3. Melynda’s Virtual Office Hours happen every Friday from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Zoom, https://zoom.us/j/833394648. This is time that you can visit with me in a virtual face-to-face environment to discuss challenges, brainstorm ideas, seek advice, ask questions, vent, or just visit. Please feel free to join me there! Phone-in options are (312)626-6799 for CST and (929)436-2866 for EST.

Teaching Tuesdays #2: Virtual Service Learning

In this episode of Teaching Tuesdays, I remind you of the Faculty Resources: TBR COVID-19 Guide that has consistently-updated resources and webinars for online teaching and using educational tools available on the Internet, as well as links to health, wellness, and necessity information that may be helpful to you and your students.

Also, there are three new entries this week in Melynda’s COVID-19 Online Lesson Ideas.

1. The Would You Rather? Discussion Starter can help focus your students on a new topic or concept in a fresh way.

2. FreeRice.com allows students to practice skills in many disciplines while providing food for hungry populations.

3. Virtual Service Learning is possible and I provide four starting places for you to begin to create opportunities for your students to serve others even when they must work remotely.

Remember, my Virtual Office Hours happen every Friday from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Zoom, https://zoom.us/j/833394648. Please feel free to join me there! Phone-in options are (312)626-6799 for CST and (929)436-2866 for EST.

A note about the video above: The video link takes you to Loom where I created the video. I would ordinarily upload the video to YouTube to provide closed captioning and a real-time transcript. However, YouTube and technology were not wanting to cooperate, so I had to punt. 😊 You can view and hear the video on Loom, but the transcript is provided as a .pdf attachment to this email if you would prefer to read the message or have any challenges with the video or audio.

Teaching Tuesdays #3: Civic Participation

In this week’s Teaching Tuesdays, I remind you of some specific resources contained within the Faculty Resources: TBR COVID-19 Guide including the Motivate Lab’s Mindset Minutes and the 10 Tips for Faculty infographic created for us by our own Dr. Liz Norell. I think both of these items are worth reviewing as we enter these final weeks of the semester. Additionally, Magna is hosting a free seminar next Tuesday on Trauma-Informed Pedagogy that may benefit us all.

This week I added three new items to the Melynda's COVID-19 Online Lesson Ideas document, two of which are relevant to civic participation and current events and one which may benefit your students as they work on research papers for semesters to come.

Remember, my virtual office hours are Fridays from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Zoom, https://zoom.us/j/833394648. Please feel free to join me there! Phone-in options are (312)626-6799 for CST and (929)436-2866 for EST. If you experience any challenges with the link or numbers, just let me know and we’ll get connected.

Contact me any time. I’m here to assist you in all the ways I am able.

Teaching Tuesdays #4: Making Online Student Connections

In this week’s Teaching Tuesdays episode, I highlight three new items added to Melynda’s COVID-19 Online Lesson Ideas include Thought-Starter Discussions and Short Story or Word Problem Starters to introduce a new concept or begin a module, and ways to connect with students in the online environment. Also, new entries have been made to the Faculty Resources: TBR COVID-19 Guide. Two articles from Faculty Focus share online strategies for mindfulness and engaging Generation Z. I’ve shared my own online resource collection, too.

Let me know if I can be of assistance to you with grant applications, online engagement, or anything else. Call, text, email, or join me on Fridays from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Zoom.

Teaching Tuesdays #5: Your Contributions are Invaluable

In this week’s Teaching Tuesdays episode, I encourage you to visit UC Berkeley’s Greater Good in Education website for activities that are designed to help improve your wellbeing. Some of them may even be appropriate for your courses.

I’m working to create an online faculty resource center with short PowerPoint voice-over videos about all things TBR & HIP as well as Teaching and Learning. I’m interested in including short voice-over videos from you about helpful resources, successful lessons, fun activities, useful apps, or instructional tips. I’m accepting submissions throughout the month until Friday, May 29th. If you choose to contribute, I will provide you with a letter of thanks for your professional files.

Please be on the lookout for the TBR Faculty Survey. It should arrive via an email from your president very soon, so be sure to check your inboxes for it over the next week or so. Your unique experiences are important to us and invaluable to our efforts to develop ongoing supports for you.

Over the summer months, I will continue to provide these Teaching Tuesday messages, to conduct my virtual office hours every Friday, and to consistently update the Melynda’s COVID-19 Online Lesson Ideas and Faculty Resources: TBR COVID-19 Guide.

Remember, the deadline to apply for the TBR SERS and HIP Course Revitalization grants is May 17th.

Please let me know if I can be of any assistance to you. Call, text, email, or join me on Fridays from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Zoom.

Teaching Tuesdays #6: Critical Thinking and Skills USA

In this week’s Teaching Tuesdays episode, I highlight two great lesson ideas using ProCon.org for critical thinking and online discussion of sensitive topics. I also share about two exciting new resources created by TBR’s Director of Experiential Learning, Joy Rich. The SkillsUSA Lesson Launcher with TED Talks and a lesson guide on How to Prepare for Virtual Interviews complete with pro tips, videos, and resume update help. These resources are useful for everyone right now, so please check them out in the Online Lesson Ideas document and the Faculty Resources: TBR COVID-19 Guide.

Throughout the summer, I will continue to provide these Teaching Tuesday messages, to hold virtual office hours every Friday, and to consistently update the resource documents.

Remember, the deadline to apply for the TBR SERS and HIP Course Revitalization grants is May 18th and I’m accepting submissions to the video lesson resource center through Friday, May 29th. Let me know if I can help you with submissions to either of these opportunities.

Call, text, email, or join me on Fridays from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Zoom.

Teaching Tuesdays #7: Recover, Rethink, and Revise

In this week’s Teaching Tuesday episode I remind everyone that summer is a time for rejuvenation for ourselves and for our courses at a structural level, especially in this new world. To support you in your rejuvenation efforts, in the weeks to come, I will be providing more “how-to” lessons for using many of the resources and ideas supplied in the Online Lesson Ideas document and Faculty Resources: TBR COVID-19 Guide. So, stay tuned!

I also remind you that I’m accepting submissions to the TBR Faculty Resource Webpage that will debut in July. Later this week, I will send you guidelines and a submission template so you can share your talents and knowledge for the betterment of us all. I’ve also extended the submission deadline through Wednesday, June 24th. I’m excited for the opportunity to collaborate with and learn from you!

Feel free to call, text, email, or join me on Fridays from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Zoom.

Teaching Tuesdays #8: Setting the Tone

Welcome to Teaching Tuesdays #8: Setting the Tone.

This week, as promised, I help you rejuvenate your courses at the structural level as we begin the TBR Teaching Tidbit series for providing quality instruction to support student success.

Our first “how-to” lesson is Setting the Tone. Click the picture below or the link here to view the short video lesson.

No matter if you teach face-to-face, online, or a mix of both, you want to be sure to appropriately engage your students from Day One by taking three easy action steps:

  1. Post a Welcome Announcement in the D2L course shell with a warm welcome, why you teach the class, and tips for success.

  2. Create a Getting Acquainted discussion thread in D2L, post your own bio, and reply to each student who posts.

  3. Send a personalized Welcome Email to each student asking if they are prepared or have questions and providing them your contact information. Be sure to reply to each student who responds.

If you take these three important welcoming action steps, HIP, ATD, and Mindset research shows your course will be more likely to support student success. The printable version of the lesson along with examples of each step are provided in the Setting the Tone document for your review.

Got questions or suggestions? Feel free to call, text, email, or join me on Fridays from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Zoom

Teaching Tuesday #9: Transparent Teaching

In every course, especially in online courses where the communication is primarily written and housed in the D2L course shell, it is extremely important to provide clear instructions to students by taking three easy action steps:

  1. Clarify your syllabus by correcting errors, making updates, and including policies and the course schedule with assignments and due dates.

  2. Compose intelligible instructions providing the purposes, tasks, and criteria to complete those tasks.

  3. Demystify course success by providing a Course Guidelines & Expectations document, Course Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document, or module checklists to help students overcome known challenges and hurdles.

If you take these three important action steps to make your course more transparent, TILT research shows your course will be more likely to support student success. The printable version of the lesson along with examples of each step are provided in the Transparent Teaching document for your review.

Teaching Tuesday #10: HIP Discussion

Class conversation enhances lessons and furthers learning in every class. Making class discussions more engaging, especially in the online course environment, can be accomplished in 3 easy action steps:

  1. Interact with students about big questions.

  2. Create thought-provoking question prompts that encourage students to share their creative ideas and life experiences.

  3. Use the HIP Discussion method to encourage further conversation.

If you take these three important action steps to make your discussions more engaging, your course will be more likely to support student success. The printable version of the lesson along with examples of each step are provided in the HIP Discussion document for your review.

Teaching Tuesday #11: Diversity Statement

Creating a personal Diversity Statement allows us to demonstrate to students that we are committed to their success and sensitive to social identities, cultural differences, and classroom dynamics. Creating a diversity statement can be accomplished in 3 easy action steps:

  1. Make a general statement briefly sharing your beliefs, practices, and commitment to diversity, inclusion, and equity.

  2. Acknowledge challenging content by informing students of any course elements that might be difficult to learn about or accept.

  3. Provide accommodation information about campus resources and support services.

If you take these three important action steps to create your personal Diversity Statement, your course will be more likely to support student success. The printable version of the lesson along with samples for each step, as well as for a complete statement, are provided in the Diversity Statements document for your review.

Feel free to call, text, email, or join me on Fridays from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Zoom

Teaching Tuesday #12: Effective Feedback

Effective grading feedback is timely, detailed, and provides actionable information about how students might improve. Creating effective feedback can be accomplished in 3 easy action steps:

  1. Describe what was done well using action points from the assignment instructions to clearly state what was completed correctly.

  2. Point out where improvements are needed referring the students to resources that support skill growth.

  3. Ask a question to provoke deeper thinking, building greater student autonomy and confidence over time.

If you take these three important action steps to create effective grading feedback, your course will be more likely to support student success.

The printable versions of all the TBR Teaching Tidbit lessons are provided in the TBR Teaching Tidbit Google folder for your review.

Other helpful resources you may be interested in as you prepare for upcoming classes include:

  1. TBR Teaching Tuesdays 2020 YouTube Playlist with all Teaching Tuesday lessons available

  2. High Impact Practices in the Online Classroom with links to helpful resources for teaching HIPs in the virtual classroom

  3. Online COVID-19 Lesson Ideas with plug-and-play lessons for every discipline

  4. Faculty Resources: TBR COVID-19 Guide with links to online teaching resources, D2L helps, health and wellness websites and much more!

Teaching Tuesday #13: Integrative Learning: Topic Wheel Activity

The Carnegie Foundation says that “Fostering students’ abilities to integrate learning…is one of the most important goals and challenges of higher education.” Helping students to see connections between your course concepts and their world outside of the classroom can be accomplished in 3 easy action steps:

  1. Introduce students to the Topic Wheel graphic by drawing or creating one using Microsoft Shapes or SmartArt.

  2. Outline the connections you want students to make by providing the topic and a variety of sectors for the topic wheel.

  3. Have students brainstorm and discuss connections they see. Ask each student to come up with at least one connection for every sector.

If you take these three important action steps to help students make connections between their learning and their lives, your course will be more likely to support student success and your students will begin making these connections on their own.

The printable versions of all the TBR Teaching Tidbit lessons are provided in the TBR Teaching Tidbit Google folder for your review.

Other helpful resources you may be interested in as you prepare for upcoming classes include:

  1. TBR Teaching Tuesdays 2020 YouTube Playlist with all Teaching Tuesday video lessons available

  2. High Impact Practices in the Online Classroom with consistently updated links to helpful resources for teaching HIP courses and infusing HIP quality dimensions in the virtual classroom

  3. Online COVID-19 Lesson Ideas with plug-and-play lessons for every discipline

  4. Faculty Resources: TBR COVID-19 Guide with links to online teaching resources, D2L helps, health and wellness websites, and much more!

Teaching Tuesday #14: Student Reflection


Students often view classroom learning experiences as isolated events unrelated to the rest of their lives. Incorporating reflection exercises into your course curriculum will help students to build the habit of making connections between your course concepts and their world outside of the classroom as well as constructing meaning from the experiences. This can be accomplished in 3 easy action steps:

  1. Build in reflection exercises by organizing instruction so students are producers, not just consumers, of knowledge.

  2. Guide students to approach learning activities strategically by going beyond the question, “What have I learned from doing this activity?”

  3. Ask “What? So what? Now what?” to utilize a well-known reflection framework.

If you take these three important action steps to help students make connections between their learning and their lives, your course will be more likely to support student success and your students will become better critical thinkers.

The printable versions of all the TBR Teaching Tuesdays lessons are provided in the TBR Teaching Tuesdays Google folder for your review.

This and other helpful resources you may be interested in as you prepare for upcoming classes are available in the Faculty Resources: TBR COVID-19 Guide with links to online teaching resources, D2L helps, health and wellness websites, and much more!

Teaching Tuesday #15: Survey & Graph, A Mini Research Activity


Use every opportunity to introduce students to research activities to help them engineer ways to explore answers to big questions and empower future discoveries. These three easy action steps are one way to get the job done!

  1. Have students submit one question related to a topic you provide that is connected to the course concepts.

  2. Compile submitted questions into a class survey, collect responses, and distribute data.

  3. Have students create a bar graph displaying the results for their question.

If you take these three important action steps to incorporate a student research and quantitative analysis activity into your curriculum, your course will be more likely to support student success and your students will become better critical thinkers.

To review this and all previous video lessons, visit the TBR Teaching Tuesdays YouTube Playlist. Printable versions of the lessons are provided in the TBR Teaching Tuesdays Google folder.

Helpful resources you may be interested in as you prepare for upcoming classes are available in the updated Faculty Resources: TBR COVID-19 Guide with links to online teaching resources, D2L helps, health and wellness websites, and much more!

Teaching Tuesday #16: Writing Student Learning Objective (SLOs)


Provide students with a clear map to success and a destination for which to strive by writing Student Learning Objectives to outline for students what they should know or do by the end of the unit or course. Do this today using these three easy action steps!

  1. Use performance-specific action verbs by referring to Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy.

  2. State the process students should use by describing clearly what students should do to successfully meet the objective.

  3. Review and evaluate the SLO, making sure it is objective and measurable.

If you take these three important action steps to create effective student learning outcomes, your course will be more likely to support student success.

To review this and all previous video lessons, visit the TBR Teaching Tuesdays YouTube Playlist. Printable versions of the lessons are provided in the TBR Teaching Tuesdays Google folder.

Helpful resources you may be interested in as you prepare for upcoming classes are available in the updated Faculty Resources: TBR COVID-19 Guide with links to online teaching resources, D2L helps, health and wellness websites, and much more!

Teaching Tuesday #17: Virtual Field Trips


Provide students the opportunity to explore places, careers, and experiences they might not otherwise have the change to go and learn more about your course concepts by incorporating virtual field trips into your curriculum. This can be done in three easy action steps!

1. Connect the virtual field trip to course student learning objectives by determining exactly what students should learn from the experience.

2. Take the virtual field trip yourself first to make your own notes, create a notes template for students, and to identify any accessibility challenges.

3. Create assignments around the experience aligned with the SLOs to make sure students develop connections to the specific content you wish to cover.

If you take these three important action steps to incorporate virtual field trips, your course will be more likely to support student success. To explore suggested virtual field trips, see the Virtual Work-based Learning Field Trips document.

To review this and all previous video lessons, visit the TBR Teaching Tuesdays YouTube Playlist. Printable versions of the lessons are provided in the TBR Teaching Tuesdays Google folder.

Please visit the all new TBR Faculty Teaching and Learning Resource webpage for more helpful resources regarding Understanding Learning, Course Design, and Classroom Management to explore as you prepare for upcoming classes. Also available is the updated Faculty Resources: TBR COVID-19 Guide with links to online teaching resources, D2L helps, health and wellness websites, and much more!

(If this email has been forwarded to you and you’d like to be included on the HIP Faculty listserv, please email me directly, melynda.conner@tbr.edu for addition. If you would no longer like to be included in these mailings, please email me to that effect, as well.)

Teaching Tuesday #18: Service-Learning Done Well


Provide students with a service experience alongside a community partner as a learning element within your course. This can be done in three easy action steps!

  1. Connect the service with learning prior to the experience.

Integrate lessons and assignments related to the purpose of the service activity.

  1. Define the service experience.

Clarify what is expected of students and outline how they will be graded.

  1. Collect student reflections as a graded assignment.

Students should be graded for their learning, not for their service.

If you take these three important action steps to integrate service learning activities within your curriculum, your course will be more likely to support student success. To explore suggested virtual service learning opportunities, see the 4 Virtual Volunteer Opportunities that Make Great Service Learning Projects, eService-Learning: Creating Experiential Learning and Civic Engagement through Online and Hybrid Courses by Strait and Nordyke, and Online Service Learning: Exercises for Students by University of Tennessee’s Department of Teaching and Learning Innovation.

To review this and all 16 previous video lessons, visit the TBR Teaching Tuesdays YouTube Playlist. Printable versions of the lessons complete with additional resources are provided in the TBR Teaching Tuesdays Google folder.

Please visit the all new TBR Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning for more helpful resources regarding HIPs, Understanding Learning, Course Design, and Classroom Management to explore as you prepare for upcoming classes. Also available is the updated Faculty Resources: TBR COVID-19 Guide with links to online teaching resources, D2L helps, health and wellness websites, and much more!

(If this email has been forwarded to you and you’d like to be included on the HIP Faculty listserv, please email me directly, melynda.conner@tbr.edu for addition. If you would no longer like to be included in these mailings, please email me to that effect, as well.)

Teaching Tuesday #19: 3 Keys to Teaching Success


Strive to be these three things as an instructor and you will create a solid foundation on which students can build their success.

  1. Be prepared.

  2. Be engaging.

  3. Be responsive.

To review this and all 18 previous video lessons, visit the TBR Teaching Tuesdays YouTube Playlist. Printable versions of the lessons complete with additional resources are provided in the TBR Teaching Tuesdays Google folder.

Please visit the all new TBR Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning for more helpful resources regarding HIPs, Understanding Learning, Course Design, and Classroom Management. Also available is the updated Faculty Resources: TBR COVID-19 Guide with links to online teaching resources, D2L helps, health and wellness websites, and much more!

(If this email has been forwarded to you and you’d like to be included on the HIP Faculty listserv, please email me directly, melynda.conner@tbr.edu for addition. If you would no longer like to be included in these mailings, please email me to that effect, as well.)

Teaching Tuesday #20: Effective Assessment


The printable “how-to” lesson is provided in the Teaching Tuesdays Effective Assessment document. Click the picture below or the link here to view the quick video lesson.

Well-planned assessment strategies that align with student learning objectives support student success.

  1. Use a variety of assessments.

  2. Balance summative with formative methods.

  3. Check for understanding often.

To review this and all 19 previous video lessons, visit the TBR Teaching Tuesdays YouTube Playlist. Printable versions of the lessons complete with additional resources are provided in the TBR Teaching Tuesdays Google folder.

Please visit the all new TBR Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning for more helpful resources regarding HIPs, Understanding Learning, Course Design, and Classroom Management. Also available is the updated Faculty Resources: TBR COVID-19 Guide with links to online teaching resources, D2L helps, health and wellness websites, and much more!

(If this email has been forwarded to you and you’d like to be included on the HIP Faculty listserv, please email me directly, melynda.conner@tbr.edu for addition. If you would no longer like to be included in these mailings, please email me to that effect, as well.)

Teaching Tuesday #21:

Using EDpuzzle featuring MSCC’s Keith Terrill


Welcome to Teaching Tuesdays #21: Using EDpuzzle featuring MSCC’s Keith Terrill.

The printable “how-to” lesson is provided in the Teaching Tuesdays EDpuzzle: Creating Interactive Video Lessons document. Click the picture below or the link here to view the quick video lesson.

Use the free online tool EDpuzzle to create effective video lessons for your students that...

  1. Are relevant to your particular students for a specific class or lesson.

  2. Incorporate your voice, notes, and questions within the video to emphasize important learning points.

  3. Allow you to track students’ progress and achievement.

To review this and all 20 previous video lessons, visit the TBR Teaching Tuesdays YouTube Playlist. Printable versions of the lessons complete with additional resources are provided in the TBR Teaching Tuesdays Google folder.

If you would like to submit a TBR Teaching Tidbit for consideration and inclusion in a Teaching Tuesday message, please review the TBR Teaching Tidbit Submission Guidelines and create your own!

Visit the all new TBR Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning for more helpful resources regarding HIPs, Understanding Learning, Course Design, and Classroom Management. Also available is the updated Faculty Resources: TBR COVID-19 Guide with links to online teaching resources, D2L helps, health and wellness websites, and much more!

Feel free to call, text, email, or reach out to me any time.

Melynda Conner, Ph.D. Office: 615.366.3975 Cell: 931-801-9811 call/text

M elynda.Conner@tbr.edu

Teaching Tuesday #22:

Service Learning in A & P featuring Dr. Girija Shinde


Welcome to Teaching Tuesdays #22: Service Learning in A & P featuring Dr. Girija Shinde

This week’s lesson continues the TBR Teaching Tidbit series for providing quality instruction to support student success by incorporating service learning opportunities into Human Anatomy and Physiology courses.

The printable “how-to” lesson is provided in the Service Learning in A & P Classes lesson document. Click the picture below or the link here to view the quick video lesson.

To review this and all 21 previous video lessons, visit the TBR Teaching Tuesdays YouTube Playlist. Printable versions of the lessons complete with additional resources are provided in the TBR Teaching Tuesdays Google folder.

If you would like to submit a TBR Teaching Tidbit for consideration and inclusion in a Teaching Tuesday message, please review the TBR Teaching Tidbit Submission Guidelines and create your own!

Visit the all new TBR Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning for more helpful resources. Also available are the updated High-Impact Practices in the Online Classroom document and the Faculty Resources: TBR COVID-19 Guide with links to online teaching resources, D2L helps, health and wellness websites, and much more!

Feel free to call, text, email, or reach out to me any time.

Melynda Conner Melynda.Conner@tbr.edu

Teaching Tuesday #23: Jigsaw Instruction


To review this and all 22 previous video lessons, visit the TBR Teaching Tuesdays YouTube Playlist. Printable versions of the lessons complete with additional resources are provided in the TBR Teaching Tuesdays Google folder.

If you would like to submit a TBR Teaching Tidbit for consideration and inclusion in a Teaching Tuesday message, please review the TBR Teaching Tidbit Submission Guidelines and create your own!

Visit the all new TBR Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning for more helpful resources. Also available are the updated High-Impact Practices in the Online Classroom document and the Faculty Resources: TBR COVID-19 Guide with links to online teaching resources, D2L helps, health and wellness websites, and much more!

Together, we’ve got this!

Teaching Tuesday #24: Creating a Dignity Culture


Welcome to Teaching Tuesdays #24: Creating a Dignity Culture

This week’s lesson continues the TBR Teaching Tidbit series for providing quality instruction to support student success by intentionally creating a culture of dignity in the classroom that supports student success rather than a culture of threat that induces stress responses.

The printable “how-to” lesson is provided in the Creating a Dignity Culture lesson document. Click the picture below or the link here to view the quick video lesson.

To review this and all 23 previous video lessons, visit the TBR Teaching Tuesdays YouTube Playlist. Printable versions of the lessons complete with additional resources are provided in the TBR Teaching Tuesdays Google folder.

Visit the TBR Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning for more helpful resources. Also available are the updated High-Impact Practices in the Online Classroom document and the Faculty Resources: TBR COVID-19 Guide with links to online teaching resources, D2L helps, health and wellness websites, and much more!

Feel free to call, text, email, or reach out to me any time.

Teaching Tuesday #25: Rounding Up Resources


Welcome to Teaching Tuesdays #25: Rounding Up Resources

This week’s lesson continues the TBR Teaching Tidbit series for providing quality instruction to support student success by rounding up the instructional and classroom resources available from TBR. This is also our final Teaching Tuesday lesson for 2020!

The printable “how-to” lesson is provided in the Rounding Up Resources lesson document. Click the picture below or the link here to view the quick video lesson.

To review this and all 24 previous video lessons, visit the TBR Teaching Tuesdays YouTube Playlist. Printable versions of the lessons complete with additional resources are provided in the TBR Teaching Tuesdays Google folder.

SAVE THE DATE for the 4th Annual TBR HIP Statewide Conference “Forging HIP Frontiers: Small Steps for Instructors, Giant Leaps for Student Success” on January 11, 2021. The conference will be virtual and open to all, so spread the word!

Feel free to call, text, email, or reach out to me any time.

Together, we’ve got this!