Months 11-12
Parallel play14
Coordination of secondary schemas (intentional, goal-directed behavior)23
Play usually with caregivers or parents23
Sensorimotor play31
Opposes removal of toys and curtailment of play14
Initiates simple games (‘pat-a-cake, peek-a-boo’)14, 27, 41
Functional-conventional play (relate objects to one another)32
Functional use of objects (drinking from cup)32
Enjoys toys that require visual attention60, 27
Play is more functional and relational during joint attention with parent; play is more stereotypical when child is alone85
Figure 11-12.20.1
Figure 11-12.20.1
Coordination of secondary schemas
Figure 11-12.20.2
Figure 11-12.20.2
Enjoys sensorimotor play