Month 2
Head closer, but still not, to midline1
May attempt to lift head from surface without tucking chin6
Righting on body causes accidental side rolling1
Increased hip extension, abduction, and knee extension1
Lateral border of the feet rest on surface6
Less flexor recoil1
Bilateral and symmetrical kicking1
Feet come together during bilateral flexion1
Upper extremity windmill type motions6
Figure 2.1.1
In supine, reaches to swipe at objects using abduction and flexion
Figure 2.1.2
Upper extremity windmill type motions; increased shoulder abduction
Figure 2.1.3
At rest, head is OFTEN not in midline
Figure 2.1.4
Bilateral symmetrical kicking
Figure 2.1.5
During bilateral flexion the feet come together
Figure 2.1.6
In supine, lower extremities display bilateral symmetrical kicking; upper extremities display windmill-type motions
Figure 2.1.7
Increased hip extension, abduction, and knee extension in supine.
Figure 2.1.8
Righting on the body causes accidental rolling