Opioid Use Disorder Study

Who do I contact to get into the study?

Call us at 612-691-1318 or

Email: opioidstudy@umn.edu

Or complete our screening survey by clicking this button!

Why are we doing this research study?

This research study will look at the individual differences in those who struggle with opioid use disorder so we can develop better treatments.

What will I do in this study?

During this study you will have an MRI, answer questions about your overall health, and complete tasks on a computer or tablet.

How can I participate in this study?

If you're...

  • 18 to 55 years old


  • Diagnosed with Opioid Use Disorder

  • Have been using Methadone, Suboxone, or something similar for 1-3 months

Will I be compensated for my time?

You'll be compensated for your time and effort between $400-590 for completing the study.

IRB: 00006623