Office Tour: Rand Park

By Justin Erickson '25 BSB
December 9, 2022

Rand Park is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship. He gave us a peek at some of the most important things in his office.

1. I spent hours in Walter library as a graduate student and wrote much of my dissertation in the room depicted. My sister, Chandler, was visiting me and took this picture with her phone. Later, she sent me this framed print as a holiday gift.

2. A friend gave me this picture. It says "University Library" because what is now Buford Hall was first built as the U of MN library. Years after he gave this to me I defended my PhD dissertation in 2018 in this building.

3. This is a bow tie that was gifted to me by a former student. I've been wearing bow ties every time I teach for years now, and it's become part of my "brand" here at the Carlson School.

4. These are just two examples of books from our Carlson School faculty who are all incredibly productive researchers who publish books and articles nationally and internationally. Both Vlad and Myles have been very supportive of me personally and professionally in my teaching role.

5. This is a picture of me graduating from law school in 1993. I'm holding up my son Walter, who was 1 at the time and is now 30 years old!

6. I used Pikachu as a prop when I was using the game "Pokemon Go" as an example of the ethical issues associated with data captured by apps. Pikachu became a prop in many of my online MBA classes and I would often have him sit in different spots on the shelf behind me when I recorded video lectures.