BA 3996

Internship Seminar

1 credit. S/N. Offered Fall and Spring. Two sections: Section 1 - students taking the course for the first time, Section 2- students retaking the course for new or extending internships. Required for all Carlson International students engaging in an internship experience to meet the CPT requirements. Optional for domestic Carlson students engaging in an internship experience.

This course will engage you in meaningful reflection and earn credit for your internship experience through a variety of coursework. If you are an international student engaging in an internship, you are required to enroll in this course to meet the CPT requirements which will allow you to legally work in the United States. You are also required to take this course each time that you engage in an internship experience during your undergraduate career at Carlson. If you are a domestic student looking to earn academic credit for your internship or are required by your internship site to receive academic credit for your internship experience, you may also enroll in this course. 

How to Apply for CPT and Register for BA3996

Any questions or concerns about the course should be directed to Mai Xiong at