Lexi Hopp, Alejandro Ferrer-Lugo, and Berit Erickson co-led the Ambassadors this year.

Ambassador Co-Leads Reflect

By Lauren Campbell, Communications Manager
May 4, 2023

The Carlson School Ambassadors are a group of students who work to welcome prospective students to the Carlson School. They lead tours, answer questions, and are a welcoming face for anyone interested in our undergraduate program. This year, Berit Erickson ’23 BSB, Alejandro Ferrer-Lugo ’23 BSB, and Lexi Hopp ’23 BSB were the co-leads of the group. All three have been Ambassadors since their sophomore year. 

“I have continued to return to the work because of the amazing community of students and the meaningful work we do,” said Hopp. “The Ambassador program is a place to meet new people, challenge yourself to be open to new connections, and represent the Carlson school. It's a job that fills my heart.”

As co-leads, they had full autonomy to run a spring luncheon for out-of-state students as part of the Dean’s Reception. Erickson, who is an out-of-state student from Colorado, gave the keynote speech.

“It was so thrilling to stand in front of over 100 people, admitted students and their families, and reflect on how I made Minnesota my home,” she said. “As I stood up at the podium, I shared the most meaningful experiences that defined my college career. I was so proud to impart the value of curiosity and exploration, as told through stories of making new friends, studying abroad, and navigating Minnesota winters. Having my fellow Ambassadors call out my name and cheer at the end of my speech truly filled me with immeasurable joy!”

Putting together an event of this scale is a massive undertaking, and required teamwork and organization. It was also the first time Eric Ly, Assistant Director of Undergraduate Enrollment and advisor to the Ambassadors, gave such a hefty responsibility entirely to students.

“Leaving them full autonomy, they ran the entire programming, making meaningful connections with out-of-state students, while also providing leadership to their peers,” he said. “I believe they had a significant role in moving the total number of out-of-state students toward confirmation as reflected in our metrics. Given the success of the program, we plan to continue to grow and replicate similar opportunities for future students.”

The most important role that the Ambassadors play is simply making connections with students. For Ferrer-Lugo, those connections with prospective students and his fellow Ambassadors have been the most meaningful part of the program.

“​​I learned the value of listening first and speaking second. Rather than immediately talking about my experience, I learned that I am a much more successful and personable ambassador when I get to know the prospective student’s background first,” he said. “This allows me to help them in a more unique way and gear them toward the best resources that fit their needs at the University of Minnesota and the Carlson School of Management. As a co-lead, I got to appreciate the value of diversity. Ambassadors come from different backgrounds and majors and are involved in separate ways throughout the university community. Part of my job was to get to know the cohort well enough to be able to leverage their unique backgrounds as we support prospective students and their families. Through this, I was able to not only further develop friendships with my peers, but also support them as they become even better Ambassadors.”