613 Corporate Securities (Liston & May)


Corporate Securities

(Liston & May)

Prerequisite courses: Corporations Law (451)

Instructor(s): Liam Liston & Jason May

Course credit: 3

Method of presentation: Lecture 


The method of evaluation will be a final exam worth 100% of the student’s grade.  The exam will be “limited open book”, meaning that students may bring into the examination legislation/regulations and notes in HARD COPY. Students will NOT be permitted to access any materials electronically during the exam or to bring any textbooks into the examination. The final will involve short and long fact patterns requiring the students to apply the principles learned during the course. 


The objectives of the course are to provide students with a basic understanding of securities law as well as the public policy concerns underlying securities regulation in Alberta and Canada. The course discusses the foundational concepts of securities law, and will also cover exempt market transactions and registrations, the prospectus process, and obligations relating to public markets including continuous disclosure, insider trading, minority securityholder protections, and stock exchange compliance, liability and enforcement.


Description updated 2024-2025. Please contact the instructor for any specific questions you may have related to this particular course section.


None.  A list of required statutes and regulations will be provided and electronic copies made available to students.