514 Judgment Enforcement (Lund)


Judgment Enforcement


Prerequisite courses: 

Prerequisite for: 

Instructor(s): Professor Anna J. Lund

Course credit: 3

Method of presentation: Lecture


The methods of evaluation in this course will comprise the following:


Before deciding to start a lawsuit, a potential plaintiff will want to know “is it worth it”? A key consideration is the likelihood that a judgment (i.e., a court order for the payment of money) will be satisfied. Such a judgment or order does not in itself enable the successful claimant to reach the financial resources or property of the defendant or respondent in the proceedings. The enforcement of a judgment for the payment of money entails resort to the specialized system of law that constitutes the subject of this course. The judgment enforcement system is of particular importance to unsecured creditors who, in the event of their debtors’ failure or refusal to satisfy their debts, have no immediate rights in or to their debtors’ property.


The main focus of this course is provincial judgment enforcement law, represented by the Civil

Enforcement Act. Topics will include:


Since a judgment can only be enforced against the property of the judgment debtor, a relevant issue in the process of judgment enforcement may be the possibility of recovering property that has been transferred by the judgment debtor to someone else. Accordingly, the course also examines provincial fraudulent conveyance and preference law.


Description updated 2024-2025. Please contact the instructor for any specific questions you may have related to this particular course section.


An electronic course pack will be made available to students.