589 Prison Law and Habeas Corpus: Theory & Practice 

(Hart-Dowhun & Haas)


Prison Law and Habeas Corpus: Theory and Practice

(Hart-Dowhun & Haas)

Prerequisite courses: Administrative Law recommended

Prerequisite for:

Instructor(s): Amanda Hart-Dowhun & Susan Haas

Course credit: 3

Method of presentation: Seminar


The Faculty of Law is offering a unique course in Canadian law schools, whereby students are given an opportunity to learn the process of assisting incarcerated people with making applications to the court to have their restrictions of liberty reviewed. Amanda Hart-Dowhun and Susan Haas will be the instructors of the course, and they will be responsible for selecting the files that the students will work on.


Students will be instructed on theoretical principles relating to prison law as well as practical issues that frequently arise when dealing with an incarcerated client. Students will also receive a case list which will provide a baseline for how habeas corpus works and how to utilize it to assist a prisoner. Students will then have the opportunity to review real case records for a habeas corpus matter and will utilize skills learned in the course to draft a habeas corpus application, research, and draft a written argument in support of the application. The course will teach students how to run a habeas corpus hearing and the benefits of this writ to prisoners, and students will run a mock habeas corpus hearing to give students the opportunity to develop practical skills. Other topics will include provincial and federal parole, disciplinary court in custodial facilities, and human rights complaints.


This unique course will be offered in the Fall semester. Enrollment is limited to ten (10) students per semester.  Enrollment in the course is by application.




1.     Strong academic performance in prior criminal courses, legal research and writing;

2.     Self-motivation;

3.     The applicant should provide statement of interest in the course (up to two pages);

4.     Although it is not a strict requirement, applicants that have taken Administrative Law are preferred.




Please submit by email the following:

·         Resume;

·         Statement of interest;

·         A copy of your current transcripts (unofficial ones are fine);


Please address your application to lawrecep@ualberta.ca, with subject line “Prison Law Course”. Fall 2024 applications will be accepted until 4pm on Wednesday, July 10, 2024.


Interviews will take place shortly thereafter by Amanda Hart-Dowhun and Susan Haas.  If you are selected, you will be manually registered in the course.