455 Legal Seminar (Tomaszewski & Miller): 

Women, Law & Social Change


Legal Seminar: Women, Law and Social Change

(Tomaszewski & Miller)

Prerequisite courses: 

Prerequisite for: 

Instructor(s): Jennifer Tomaszewski & Deborah A. Miller, KC

Course credit: 3

Method of presentation: Lecture/seminar


1. Class Participation - 10% 

Come to class prepared to discuss readings, listen well to others, attend classes unless excused.

2. Class Response - 20% 

Take responsibility for explaining an assigned reading to class. Prepare discussion questions for class discussion on topic.

3. Assessment of Lecture/Book/Film - 20% 

Write 5 page double-spaced comment outlining and assessing the assigned reading you chose above using reference course materials. 

4. Review Essay or Case Comment - 50% 

Review the article or case drawing on materials and themes from the course. Assess and critically analyze the article or case. 15-20 pages, double-spaced.


This course examines the relationship between law and social change with a focus on the historical and current struggles to make the legal system more responsive to the lived realities of women, taking into account differences among women. Women have at one time or another been excluded from a wide range of legal rights and responsibilities including higher education, political office, voting and the professions. In Canada, the law has played an important role in the ongoing struggle for full equality and citizenship. Yet not everyone would agree that law has the potential to answer demands for fundamental change or to respond to women’s diverse realities. We explore these themes and debates through a series of case studies. Topics include legal education, legal personhood, legal language, judicial bias, myths and stereotypes about women and other groups, sexual assault, women’s work, abortion and reproductive rights, Indigenous women, property, judicial decision-making, equality rights, and same sex marriage/LGBTQ.


This course is conducted through a combination of presentations by the instructor, guest instructors, student discussion/presentations and small group discussions. Students are expected to complete and think about required readings for each class, and come to class prepared to raise at least one question about the readings.

Description updated 2024-25. Please contact the instructor for any specific questions you may have related to this particular course section.


There is no required text, but one we strongly suggest you obtain is Making Equality Rights Real: Securing Substantive Equality Under the Charter edited by Fay Faraday, Margaret Denike and M. Kate Stephenson (available on Irwinlaw.com - https://www.irwinlaw.com/titles/makingequality-rights-real ). Some materials will be made available in class. The syllabus and course readings may be modified during the term and changes will be emailed to you. Additional references or links will also be emailed.