456 Professionalism and Ethics (Gallagher & Greschner)


Professionalism and Ethics

(Gallagher & Greschner)

Prerequisite courses: 

Prerequisite for:

Instructor(s): Chaylene Gallagher & Carter Greschner

Course credit: 3

Method of presentation: Lecture/seminar


1.    Written Work

a.    Students will be required to prepare a written paper of their own choice.  Students are encouraged to develop their own topic, but topics must be approved by the instructors.

b.    Papers should be around 4,000 words or 15 double-spaced pages in length and not more than 5,000 words or 20 pages in length.

c.    55% of the final grade will be based upon the paper. 

2.    Class Participation

a.    As the avowed purpose of this course is to discuss and debate various professional responsibility issues, class participation is imperative. For each session, all members of the class are to have read the assigned readings and are to be prepared to participate in class. Participation will be noted and evaluated.

b.    15% of the final grade will be allocated to class participation.

3.    In Class Presentation

a.    30% of the final grade will be based upon an in class presentation based on a specific section of the Code of Conduct and relevant hearings/decisions related to same.


This course aims to address and explore professionalism and ethics related to the practice of law, particularly in Alberta.  The instructors will encourage students to familiarize themselves with the Code of Conduct, relevant sections of the required texts, and their own ethical foundations.  Students will be expected to participate in open class discussion, to ask questions, and to challenge situations that challenge their understanding of professionalism. 


The class will begin with assessment of various main topics, which may include conflicts, respect for other counsel, procrastination or overflowing one’s plate, access to justice and the obligation to pro bono work, substance abuse and the stress epidemic in the practice of law, work-life balance, sexual relations with the client, ethical issues surrounding the self-represented litigant, and the lawyer’s overall obligations to the client, other lawyers, the court, and society in general.  There may be guest lectures with experts in certain related fields.


Class attendance and participation will be assessed.  Students will be asked to prepare a short in class presentation on a specific topic in the Code of Conduct, including decisions related to that topic, as well as an end-of-semester paper on a different topic of their choice, in consultation with the Instructors.


Description updated 2024-25. Please contact the instructor for any specific questions you may have related to this particular course section.


1.    Alice Wooley, et al, Lawyers Ethics and Professional Regulation (Toronto: LexisNexis, 2008)- available in the HUB Mall Book Cellar

2.    Alberta Code of Professional Conduct, Law Society of Alberta- current version available online

3.    Selected cases and articles with copies to be provided if assigned


*Required texts may be subject to change