Show/Edit Key Section

Use the following procedure to view/edit the key sections.

Find the function here:

Ribbon: Bridge > Cross-Section > Show/Edit Key Section

The dialog box 'Key Sections' will pop up, which gives a comprehensive presentation of the key sections data. It allows you to view and edit all key section data, except longitudinal geometry.

Key Sections

All key sections in the current bridge project are shown in the upper left list box. When you select one of the entries in the list, the selected key section is drawn in the Preview frame, and section point data are presented in the Section point data frame. If you select (click) one of the section points in the list box, this section point will be marked with a red square in the preview drawing.

To move, delete or copy key section, you must first select one or more of the actual sections and then press the Move, Delete or Copy button.

Opens the cross-section library dialog, and allows you to add new key sections to the bridge project from the library

By pressing the Read 12.5 format button, you can read the old Bridge database format (*.byg file) and include the data in your current Bridge database. You should make a new Bridge database before you read the 12.5 format.

When you delete a key section, you will still have the information in the database. To erase this data from the file, you have to press the Compress/Purge button. This function will create a backup copy with the extension .KB1.


The preview window offers some standard View options: Zoom Window, Zoom Extents, and Pan Realtime. Any specified rotation angle for the selected key section is not included in the preview window.

Intersection Angle

Rotating a Key section

Key Section Polylines

Select the polyline, of which properties are to be changed. Only point data from the line selected will be displayed in the Polyline Point Data list box. Click the icon View/Edit Polyline Properties to change the properties (color and layer) of the polyline.

View/Edit Polyline Properties: The dialog box 'Polyline Properties' will pop up. Here you can change properties for the polyline. The color selected will be the layer's color. When you draw a section, plan, elevation, or 3D Model, the polyline will be drawn with the color set to Bylayer.

Polyline Point Data

In order to view or edit the section point properties, you must double click the actual line in the Polyline Point Data list box, or press the Modify button. Remember to make a selection in the Polyline Point Data list box, before pressing Modify.

Modify: The dialog box 'Section Point Properties' will pop up. If a key section is modified you must press the Save button of the dialog 'Key Sections' to update the bridge database. The program will prompt you to save, if necessary, when you close the dialog or change the active key section in the dialog.

Longitudinal Geometry


Use the following procedure to copy bridge cross-section from one station to another station. Run the function 'Show/Edit Key Sections' from the following locations.

MOUS_ICO Menu:: Bridge Cross Section Show/Edit Key Sections

MOUS_ICO Toolbar:: Cross Section Show/Edit Key Sections

The dialog box 'Key Sections' will pop up, which allows you to copy the bridge cross-sections, which are already created and registered, from one station to the other.

Select the bridge cross-section, which is to be copied, and press the icon Copy. Novapoint Bridge Professional will then prompt to define the station number to which the selected section is to be copied. The dialog box 'Novapoint Bridge' will pop up, where the destination station is to be defined.

The copied key section will be having the same geometry as that source key section except that it has been adjusted to the road geometry (different slope and width). You can check the geometry by drawing the cross-section at the copied station. Use the tool 'Draw Cross-Section'. The cross-section should adapt to the road.

Note: Key sections are shown as red dots, calculated stations are drawn as light blue dots. Calculated sections are the sections, which are interpolated between the stations defined with key sections. If you had defined bridge key cross-section for stations, say 100.000m and 150.000m, the intermediate bridge cross-section between start station (100.000m) and end station (150.000m) are termed as Calculated Sections. These calculated sections will be having points colored in light blue/cyan.

The geometry is now established. When the start and end key sections are saved to the database, you have enough information to use the other functions of Novapoint Bridge Professional.

Sometimes, it can be necessary to make changes to the geometry. The start and end key sections need not be identical and there can be local changes in the geometry along a shorter distance. This is solved by changing the key sections and adding new key sections to the database to lock the geometry in certain station numbers.


Use the following procedure to edit the longitudinal geometry data.

Run the tool 'Show/Edit Key Sections'. The tool can be accessed from the following locations.

MOUS_ICO Menu:: Bridge Cross Section Show/Edit Key Sections

MOUS_ICO Toolbar:: Cross Section Show/Edit Key Sections

The dialog box 'Key Sections' will pop up, which lists of all key sections that are stored in the bridge database. If you select one of the key sections in the list, a resume of the Polyline point data for the selected key section will be presented in the list box at the bottom of the dialog window.

The column 'Longitudinal geometry' shows all data defined for longitudinal geometry for all defined section points for the selected key section. If no data is defined (linear interpolation is used), then this column will be blank. Follow the steps below to define variation in longitudinal geometry for one of the section points:

Note: Note the location and direction of the locale coordinate axis used in the formula. Also, note that the dY value should be greater at the current section than at the end key section for the curved geometry. If the dY value in your case is smaller at the current key section you should select the 'Reverse X-direction' option by marking the check box.

The arrow symbol indicates that the X-direction is reversed.


By default, all defined key sections are oriented normal to the road centreline in the horizontal (XY) plane. This is in most cases a convenient definition. In some situations, however, the bridge end sections, or intermediate sections, are rotated in the horizontal plane relative to the road centreline. For this purpose, the key section can be assigned an intersection angle, which by default is 100 grads (using a 400 grads circle).

In order to rotate a key section, you must specify an intersection angle other than 100 grads for the actual section (100.0grad is normal to Road). To do so, run the tool Key Sections. The tool can be accessed from the following locations.

MOUS_ICO Menu:: Bridge Cross Section Show/Edit Key Sections

MOUS_ICO Toolbar:: Cross Section Show/Edit Key Sections

The dialog 'Key Sections' (shown below) will pop up. Select the key section in the list box Available, which is to be edited. Then enter the new intersection angle at the field Intersection angle: and press the Save button to apply. The program will then calculate the new section point coordinates for the rotated section and save the new data to the bridge database.

You may also specify the intersection angle directly from the Cross Section Library dialog when adding a new key section to the bridge project.

A positive rotation is counter-clockwise. The rotation angle should normally be within the interval of 50-150 grads. The program does not accept values below 30 or above 170. User-specified intersection angles that are 100 grads within a margin of 1.0E-5 are interpreted as exactly 100 grads.

Calculating the location of each section point in a rotated key section takes some time because an iteration method must be used in order to find the exact location of the section points. For each iteration, the actual station number is slightly adjusted, and the road profile needs to be recalculated. Therefore, each section point takes a second or two to be calculated for rotated key sections. A progress bar is displayed while the calculation is performed.