Draw 3DS Camera Line
The function draws a 3D polyline, which can be used as a camera line in 3D Studio.
Find the function here:
Ribbon: Bridge > 3D Draw 3DS Camera Line
Command prompts for:
Enter station for the start <m> - Define start station from where 3DStdio Camera line is to be drawn.
Enter station for the end <m> - Define the end station up to which 3DStdio Camera line is to be drawn.
Enter station interval <m> - Define interval for breakpoints.
Enter horizontal distance from the road alignment (in m) <default value> - Define horizontal distance from the road alignment to the 3D polyline being drawn.
Enter vertical distance from the road alignment (in m) <default value> - Define the vertical distance from the road alignment to the 3D polyline being drawn. Then the 3D-cameraline is drawn automatically on the STRUCTURES-3D-CAMERA layer.