Vehicle Track Analyzer Settings
Use this function for the following:
Select the details that are to be calculated during path generation and the details that are to be drawn as the result of the vehicle turn analysis.
Configure the drawing setup for the details that are to be drawn as the result of vehicle turn analysis.
During the generation of the path, the vehicle is drawn in the start and end positions. If Intervals are marked, extra vehicles will be drawn when the function Draw Tracks is called.
If Display turning angle is marked the angle will be written in front of the vehicle during the generation of the path.
If a length is given in Show direction length ahead, lines with this length will show the current direction of the vehicle.
The function Settings starts with default settings.
Run the function from the following locations:
MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Vehicle Track Analyzer: Vehicle Track Analyzer Settings
MOUS_ICO Menu: Road > Vehicle Track Analyzer > Vehicle Track Analyzer Settings
The dialog Settings will pop up.
The function starts with default settings.
Selecting a detail in this dialog indicates that the details are to be calculated/analyzed during vehicle turn analysis and is to be graphically represented as the result of vehicle turn analysis.
All the changes in the settings are shown in the preview Vehicle - outline plan.
Setting selection
All the settings can be saved and retrieved for future use.
Desired setting selection can be selected from the pull-down menu.
To create a setting selection, copy an existing setting using the button Copy.
The dialog Display Settings, Copy will pop up with the button Copy.
Define a name for the setting selection and confirm with the button OK.
Use the button Delete to delete the active setting selection.
Settings for Path
By default, the path (line joining the mid point front axle) is drawn as the result of vehicle turn analysis.
Select the color for this line using the color field.
Select the line type for this line from the pull-down menu at Linetype.
Only the line types available in the current drawing will be listed in the pull-down menu.
Load desired line types in the current drawing and call the function. Define the linewidth for this line at Linewidth.
Draw Vehicle - The vehicle can be graphically represented in the result in two options.
Path ends - The vehicle is drawn at the start and end of the analysis path.
Interval - The vehicle is drawn all along the path depending on the interval. If Interval is chosen, extra vehicles will be drawn when the function Draw Tracks is called.
The number of vehicles indicates the following:
2: Vehicles are drawn in every second position. Distance between vehicles = vehicle length.
3: Vehicles are drawn in every third position. Distance between vehicles = twice the vehicle length.
So on and so forth.
Display Tuning Angle - Mark this check box to have the turning radius written in front of the vehicle in the results of the vehicle turn analysis.
Show Direction Length Ahead - Define the length of the lines, for which they are to be shown ahead of the current direction of the vehicle.
Drawing setup for other details is to be configured in the same way as done for Settings for Path.
The check box Draw is to be marked if the details are to be graphically represented in the current drawing.
The detail can be identified using the check box Draw and the preview at Vehicle - outline plan.
The vehicle body and its tires can be filled using the check box option Fill.
Desire-free distance can be defined in the respective edit fields. The standard free distances can be obtained for the National Highway Authorities.
The VTurn elements in the drawing may be separated into 8 layers as shown in the dialog Select Layer Names.
The layers, to which the details are to be drawn can be defined using the button Layer.
The dialog Select Layer Names will pop up with the button Layer.
New or existing layers can be defined.
To define a new layer, define the name for the new layer at the respective details.
The existing layer can be selected from the pull-down menu.
To assign the current layer use the code *Current.
Click OK to confirm and exit the dialog Select Layer Names.
Next topic: Elevation Tools