Quantities as GenericPropertyList

This tutorial will cover how to add the quantites for road/rail/ws as generic properties on the features. It is covered in the last part of this tutorial.

First some understanding of the mechanizm of Quadri for Windows.

Features in Quadri for Windows has quantities that we see as part of the Spatial Attribute section in the property window. These quantities are computed on-the-fly and presented, either in the property view or when doing exports.

Features that is not computable will show a quantity of 0. This is typically features created elsewhere or imported data.

Data coming from Novapoint should be of good geometry, making them computable and presentable.

In the image above we see the spatial geometry for a StructureLayer feature.

A StructureLayer is a combined geometry object, holding both a Solid and a Surface

These quantities for volume, 2D/3D area can be extracted when doing exports via the spatial attribute view in the export conversion rule. If we, as an example, check the Road 2 IFC conversion rule (IFC2x3) we will see there is a special mapping of the spatial on the feature in Quadri out to the Novapoint Road|Volume attribute.

Here we see the mapping for the StructureLayer, for both the Surface and Solid representations.

We see that the Surface of the StructureLayer goes into the ifcSurface geometry representation.

We also see that the computedSurfaceArea2D and 3D are pushed to separate propertySetDataList in the IFC file.

In principal the same happens for the solids.

But these are for exports. How about when adding the geometries into the Quadri model?

How to add spatial attributes to GenericPropertyList in Quadri

Similar to how the spatial attributes are mapped in the exports, it is possible to map the spatial in the features we send into the Quadri model. It is just a little bit different.

A StructureLayer is sent as a LegacyLayer geometrytype. It holds both Solid and Surface for the feature. We can map the spatial to genericPropertyList in this way.

For the surface:

For the solid:

And we get this result in the Quadri model: