Year 6

We started Year 6 with a strong Online Safety focus to reinforce our WHA Safeguarding and to ensure we we were using our Values online and becoming Good Digital Citizens. We used the Be Internet Legends resources to be Sharp, Alert, Secure, Kind and Brave.

In Autumn 2 we focused on Computational Thinking and used the PBL topic of Crime & Punishment as a starting point.

We used logic to research and make a Quiz, testing ourselves and each other.

We then made a decision tree based on the consequences of committing crimes in different eras which again relied on thinking logically.

We used logic, and followed instructions to create the algorithms to make a swipe game and road crossing game.

In Spring 1 we took our previous learning on logic and algorithms and built a series of systems using Crumble circuit boards. Working in groups of 2 or 3 we had to collect all the materials we needed, then build the circuit paying close attention to positive and negative. We had to insert batteries then create an algorithm and send the code to the Crumble. If it did not work we had to error check it and debug the system. Over the half term we built the following systems:

Crumble vehicle development.MOV
Crumble vehicle race.MOV

In Spring 2 Year 6 investigated Blogging in order to become better Digital Citizens, put into practice our good Values, learn how to use Social Media and improve our communication skills. We discussed our rules and what the Do's and Don'ts were. These included:

We then made our own blogs within Purple Mash, a safe and contained environment. Once they were approved they could be seen by the rest of the year group and comments and responses could then be added. 

We made a game then blogged about it attaching it to our post. We then blogged about how to stay healthy (PBL Topic). Once we had got the basics of how to blog and what to blog about the children were then free to blog about what they were interested in. Some children even chose to start a regular feature and continued blogging at home and beyond the end of the topic. We enjoyed sharing by blogging and here are a few examples to give a flavour of our work.

In Summer 2 We started a new topic on Microbes using the e-Bug resource. We used the prior learning from PBL Topic of Staying Healthy and looked at the 3 main types of microbe: virus, bacteria and fungi and their features. We enjoyed designing our own microbe using knowlege and imagination. We then went on to model and simulate the physical system of mold growth or how fungi might spread. We used Scratch to create an initial image then code how it spread. We then went on to look at networks and how a virus could spread both in terms of a population and through computer networks. We also build a model to simulate this in Scratch combining our knowlege of Computing and Science.

mold growth2.wmv
mold growth1.wmv