Computing & DT

In Reception we discussed what a remote control was. We took one apart and showed the components to the children - buttons, batteries and circuit board. They designed their own remote control drawing the circuitry & batteries before ‘testing’ it and giving (made up) instructions to each other. We had great fun making each other dance, sit and turn around!

Year 1 explored shapes and patterns and designed a vehicle to go exploring in.

Year 2 worked in groups to design a map on a grid and then programmed Beebots to complete journeys.

Year 3 manipulated a photo of their hand to make a  21st Century version of Stone Age cave hand art. After experimenting with lots of different tools and techniques they made a collage of thier designs.

Year 4 listened to, selected, combined & edited sound samples to create soundscapes. We shared & discussed the effectiveness of each others work.

Year 5 used 3D modelling software to create a Parthenon style Classical building.

Year 6 used Crumble circuit boards to investigate different switch types, build & program a light sequence, design & build a magic 8 ball’ random pointer and create a vehicle with 2 motors, wheels and boxes.