Computing & maths

Reception made repeat patterns.

Reception created instructions for the directions a story character travelled.

Reception counted sea creatures in the computer suite.

Year 1 completed patterns.

Year 1 solved maze problems.

Year 2 used a codapillar to investigate giving instructions. The codapillar performs instructions in the segments are connected.

Having made maps Year 2 took turns to program a  Beebot to travel from and to different destinations. They had to think about the numbers of squares distnace, quarter turns and the order.

As Year 2 had done so well in making algorithms they used the Probots. These were much more tricky than the Beebots as angle in degrees and distance had to be included in the instructions.

As part of Year 3's Computational Thinking unit they completed pattern puzzles and made their own repeating sequence of shapes. 

Year 4 created code in Sonic Pi to sequence a synthesiser. They had to think about the notes as well as pitch, length, timing & repetition.

See 3 examples of experimental synthesiser code created by Y4 pupils below:

sound experiment 1.wav

Sound Experiment 1

sound experiment 2.wav

Sound Experiment 2

sound experiment 3.wav

Sound Experiment 3

Year 5 designed their own model of the solar system using code. They had to think about the size of the planets and moons as well as the rotation and orbiting speeds.

Year 6 in their Crumble projects had to think about timing for light sequences, angles & fractions for their pointer & motor power settings for their vehicle design.

This unit of work required the children to work in groups create code on screen and send it to the crumble circuit boards. They also had to think about the electronics and physics of wired and powered circuits as well as cutting, drawing and designing skills. 

Crumble vehicle development.MOV
Crumble vehicle race.MOV

Brilliant outcomes from really engaged children! Can't wait to see what they will go on to achieve ...

Using and combining skills, knowlege and Values (especially Ambition, Teamwork, Resilience, Curiosity) to complete a complex set of tasks to make a working vehicle prototype.