Year 1

Year 1 started Autumn 1 by learning how to log in to the network with their class login. They then explored Purple Mash and used their personal log in to sign in. Previously in Reception they did not have to log in and they used Mini Mash (simpler version of Purple Mash).

Year 1 continued their learning and exploration and settling into KS1 before doing some work on staying safe online. The focus was on whether we could trust everything on the internet and we used Detective Digiduck and the resources from UK Safer Internet Centre

In Autumn 2 we made our own programs and solves direction problems. We used 2Go in Purple Mash to navigate around the screen then used the Hour of Code to solve direction and maze problems. We discussed whether the order mattered in instructions before solving lots more problems. The children had started to code and were learning while having lots of fun! 

In Spring 1 Year 1 had the PBL topic of Explorers and in Computing we explored:

In Spring 2 Year had the PBL topic of Fire Fire! and in Computing we learnt about:

In Summer 1 we looked at the work of Vincent Van Gogh and used that as a hook to investigate various tools and learn to use different programs.

The children's interests and experience was broadened and skills developed. It is very noticeable the progression and how much more control and skill they have from looking at art and shape programs in the previous term.