Internet safety

Internet Safety is a key part of WHA Safeguarding and woven into all that we do in Computing. We use our Values as a basis for our learning and the children know to apply them equally online as on the playground. We learn to become better Digital Citizens by regularly discussing such things as why we might not include our surnames on our work, websites we can trust, and how we should communicate with one other.

In addition we regularly have a focus during Safer Internet Day, assemblies and discreet Internet Safety lessons and blocks of work based on resources such as Childnet and Be Internet Legends.

Below are the teaching resources to start the academic year with a solid understanding and reminders of how to keep ourselves safe online: 

E Safety KS1 +Y3 Sept 2021
Internet Legends lessons KS2 Sept 2021

Please see Year 5 Summer term to see more detail & most recent example of how the Internet Legends resources have been adapted and delivered.

The image below is of the Internet Legends display in the Computer Suite which includes children's work and lesson materials. It is on the wall near the door and so in an eye catching position for the children to view while lining up at the end of a lesson. The children from all classes regulalry ask about and discuss items on the display.