Computing & science

Reception explored different programs & asked:

what happens if I click or tap here?

Year 2 discussed the Loch Ness monster and the evidence of whether it is real and exists or not. 

Year 3 researched volcanoes, journeyed around the world on a virtual field trip & produced a poster & animation to show understanding of a volcanic eruption.

Year 4 investigated simulation programs & found that in order to learn from them care was needed & precision when changing variables to monitor the effect.

Year 4 investigated sound & it’s effect by mixing & remixing ambient soundscapes. 

Year 5 investigated Space by exploring an online Orrery then building their own Solar System with code.

Year 6 built circuits with batteries, lights, switches & motors in their Crumble projects. 

Year 6 looked at microbes using the e-Bug resources and designed their own bacteria, virus or fungi with name and features.