Year 4

We started Year 4 with a strong Online Safety focus to reinforce our WHA Safeguarding and to ensure we were using our Values online and becoming Good Digital Citizens. We used the Be Internet Legends resources to be Sharp, Alert, Secure, Kind and Brave.

In Autumn 2 the PBL topic was Rivers, and in Computing we researched and reinforced our knowledge then made a quiz to test ourselves and challenge each other. When we had finished our quiz and customised it we saved and played each other's then gave constructive feedback to one another.

In Spring 1 we investigated Sound. We learned what sound was and listened to various ambient soundtracks and discussed how they affected our moods and potentially when they could be used e.g. for relaxation or to help us concentrate. We then went on to edit and make our own ambient sound tracks. We created a rainforest soundtrack as that was the PBL topic and also one that represented our journey to school. Finally we used to code to program our own synthesiser creating the algorithms to play notes and make loops to repeat sequences.

sound experiment 2.wav
sound experiment 1.wav

In Spring 2 we looked at Simulations. We learned what they are, how they were used and why Computers are excellent for Simulations. We then went on to explore examples of Simulations changing variables and seeing the results. We also compared and discussed what we learned from each simulation, whether they were useful, how realistic they were and whether they were possible to do in real and why or why not. 

In Summer 1 the PBL topic was Inventions and in Computing we looked at the history of Technology and Computing. We combined text and pictures to show our understanding.