Year 5

Gender Balance in Computing Study

NC: Pupils are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology. 

NC: Pupils select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to design and create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information 

In Autumn in Computing we took part in an interesting study and course of learning about careers in Technology. This was part of the WISE Diversity-Inclusion-Change Campaign and the focus was on gender and the lack of women who take up a STEM career. We did a questionnaire about attitudes at the beginning of the term and another one at the end to compare responses. The learning included discussions about technology, potential career paths using maths, engineering, computing, science and technology. We looked at our own personality preferences and which careers might suit those traits and concluded with meeting an interesting role model from industry to whom we listened to and asked questions. This was a valuable oportunity to broaden our children's minds and provide  useful insights to the world of work as well as information for the researchers. It will be interesting to see if our children and especially girls take up careers in STEM subjects as a result of this study and all the other work we do here at WHA. 

The Gender Balance in Computing research programme is the largest national effort to date to explore ways to encourage more girls and young women to engage with computing. The research programme comprises a number of interventions relating to four different research areas. 

We started the topic with discussing what computing and technology the children had used recently. We then went on to have a think about what technology we would like to see in the future. We had lots of ideas for some great inventions! 

KO - Computing Y5 Spring 1 - SPACE

As part of the Spring PBL Space topic we researched Space and compared sources - an online encyclopedia with an interactive model of the solar system. We then went on to create a working model of the Solar System (natural system) using Scratch.

Ella space model.wmv
Mayuka space model.wmv
KO - Computing Y5 Spring 2 - 3D Modelling

In Computing we built a Parthenon style classical building as part of the Ancient Greeks PBL topic.

Working in 3D is tricky and requires accuracy, knowlege of 3D shapes, measurement and perspective as well as technical computing skills. They also had to dig deep into their Values of Confidence, Resilience, and Perseverance.

As you can see from the images above the children produced brilliant designs and really flew with the building and modelling concepts. Allthough they initially found it challenging and a little confusing they soon found their feet and confidence.

We discussed careers that use 3D modelling and what kind of things the children would like to build next. These included football stadiums, houses, and space rockets as well as a castle for their next Invaders and Settlers topic!

Summer 1 we refreshed our knowlege of Online Safety and being Good Digital Citizens. We used the Be Internet Legends resources from Google and spnt a week focusing on: being Sharp, Alert, Secure, Kind and Brave.

Be Sharp - Think Before You Share

We created diagrams of what we can share and what we should keep private then learned about a Digital Footprint and made our own.

Be Alert - Check It's For Real

We learned about phishing, SCAMS and what to look out for to ensure we are using safe and secure websites. We also had a discussion about whether Fake News is Funny or Foul having looked at various websites including trying to spot whether images were real or 'photoshoped' and the BBC News - Reality Check to see how they verify whether information is credible.

Be Secure - Protect Your Stuff

We learned about password phishing and hacking programs and practiced making safe and secure 'unguessable' but memorable passwords.

Be Kind - Respect Each Other

We learned about why and how we should practice online respect. We discussed how all our Values apply online, how to support one another and practiced turning a negative into a positive.

Be Brave - When in Doubt, Discuss

We discussed what and why we should discuss if there are things that are bothering or upsetting us. We also talked about what to do if we think we might have made a mistake or if we don't know what to do and who we should talk to.

Below are the results of an Exit Ticket test using Socrative to see what has been learned during this unit.

Internet Legends Quiz - Exit Ticket (5Sade) - anonamised

To reinforce the message that not everything on the internet is real we created our own 'trick' photographs using perspective during Well Being day. We intend to critique our work then have another go and refine these ideas and techniques then create some fake news to highlight the message for the whole school.

Examples of children's work completed as a conclusion to Be Internet Legends unit and as assessment of Online Safety knowledge and understanding.