Natural & Artificial systems

Computing has deep links with mathematics, science and design and technology, and provides insights into both natural and artificial systems.
National curriculum in England: computing programmes of study Published 11 September 2013

Year 4 looked at Simulations. We learned what they are, how they were used and why Computers are excellent for Simulations. We then went on to explore examples of Simulations changing variables and seeing the results. We also compared and discussed what we learned from each simulation, whether they were useful, how realistic they were and whether they were possible to do in real and why or why not. 

As part of the Year 5 PBL Space topic in Computing we researched and studied the Solar System then built a working model. We had to design the size and look of the planets and moons then adjust their positions and rotation speeds. This was done with algorithms in Scratch.

Ella space model.wmv
Mayuka space model.wmv

As part of a Year 6 Computing topic on microbes we built programs that simulated mold growth, bacteria and virus spread.

Y6 mold system2.MOV
Y6 mold system1.MOV