Year 2

We started the Autumn term with Internet Safety – fact or fake. Following on from discussions about whether we believed everything on the internet, we looked at The Loch Ness Monster and the evidence for it's existence. We then created a design for what it might look like.

We continued the monster theme with Digital literacy – combining text and image – to create the beginning of a monster story adding sound and animation too.

In Aut2 Year 2 went on a virtual trip to Windsor castle before learning to accurately use the rectangle shape tool and draw their own drawing of Windsor Castle. We thought about stones colours and solid shapes to make our designs. We then turned our artwork into a jigsaw puzzle and enjoyed solving and rebuilding our own and each other's work.

Year 2 completed an Hour of Code in December and had great fun solving coding puzzles with direction, sequence  and logic.

In Spring 1 Year 2 created step by step instructions, and performed them learning what an algorithm is. They then made a map for use with a programmable robot.  The children enjoyed programming instructions for the Beebots and took turns deciding where they should go. They also had a go with the more complicated Probots which required 90 degree angles and distance rather than just steps.

In Spring 2 Year 2 based their work on recycling. We made a poster, an animated story with text, pics, movement and sound and finally created an interactive recycling game. We enjoyed designing the game programming it and testing it before sharing it with the class. We played each other's creations and gave feedback on what we liked about it.

In Summer 1 Year 2 looked at modern art. In each lesson we studied an artist and learned about their motivation, technique, colours and style. We discussed the works and how we felt about it then made our own version inpired by their art. We learned how to use lots of different art tools and became very skilled in saving and naming our work. The artists we investigated were Piet Mondrian, Jackson Pollock, and Georgia O'Keefe.

Y2 Mondrian.MOV
Y2 Pollock.MOV