
Weekly Computing lessons in Reception begin with turn taking and using interactive programs. It then progresses to computational thinking exercises where we practice following instructions, making direction story maps, solving mazes and sequencing. We learn about computers and make our own remote control and practice giving each other instructions. We also learn about emoji's or emoticons and create our own image of a face to show our emotions.

We use devices such as cameras, sound buttons, metal detectors, and remotely controlled vehicles as well as recognising and discussing uses of technology in school and at home.

We then progress to the Computer Suite where we 'click and make things happen' and  investigate using such things as Mini Mash and other online programs and sites. We learn about the world while we practice our mouse and touch screen control by moving objects, drawing, counting, comparing shapes and making patterns as well as playing video and sound files and learning how to pause, and rewind.

Here is a sample of this year's Reception Computing lessons.

In Summer 2 when the children had lots of experience of coming to the Suite and were growing in confidence and ability we learned about ponds creating our own and making design decisions. We used our Computing skills as well as knowledge and experience from our Class trips to the Park and Duck Pond.