Year 3

In Autumn 1 Year 3 started with Online Safety. We discussed Fact or fake and whether we could believe everything on the internet.

As the PBL topic was Harry Potter in Computing we looked at Animation and tried our hand at making our own animations and used techniques such as 'onion skinning'.

In Autumn 2 the Year 3 PBL topic was Extreme Earth. In Computing we focused on Volcanoes. We used Google earth to go on a virtual field trip and explore the Pacific Ring of Fire and lots more volcanoes. We looked at the causes of their eruption and what happens when they do. We then made an animation (building on previous term's knowledge) to show our understanding of the process and combined text and pics with knowledge, skills and understanding to create a poster.


In Spring 1 as part of the PBL Stone Age topic we looked at the images left by our ancient ancestors and cousins. After looking at and discussing the hand images found on various cave walls around the world we looked at digital art tools and learned what a pixel was. We then took photos of our hand and used Pixlr to manipulate, stretch, draw, tint and apply various filters to create new versions. The children really enjoyed exploring the effects and digital techniques to make a modern version of the very first artworks from thousands of years ago. It was very enjoyable having a discussion about how the images were made and what they could mean - were they for decoration or a sign? Did they mean this is my cave or something more complex?

After doing research on the Stone Age and Hunter Gatherers we completed a quiz then produced a mashcam with our thoughts on living in the Stone Age.

In Spring 2 we explored Computational Thinking and spent a week examining each strand and doing an activity which exemplified it. We learned about how and why Computational Thinking is useful for problem solving and a useful life skill that reaches beyond the Computing Suite.

In Summer 1 the PBL topic was the The Secret Garden. In Computing we looked at various garden related activities gaining knowledge and skills.