Year 11 History

Autumn Term

week 1

Lesson 1

Why did Elizabeth’s background and character impact on her early reign?

Lesson 2

How was Elizabethan society structured and what challenges did it pose?

Lesson 3

How was Elizabethan government structured and what challenges did it pose?

week 2

Lesson 1

How bad were Elizabeth's financial problems?

Lesson 2

What challenges did Elizabeth face from abroad?

Lesson 3

Explore the enquiry: How challenging were Elizabeth's early years?

week 3

Lesson 1

Why did the different religious groups concern Elizabeth?

Lesson 2

How did Elizabeth's settlement try to deal with the religious problems?

Lesson 3

How difficult was the settlement to enforce?

week 4

Lesson 1

To what extent did Puritans and Catholics challenge the religious settlement?

Lesson 2

How did the key foreign powers react to the settlement?

Lesson 3

Why was Mary, Queen of Scots a problem?

week 5

Lesson 1

Judgement lesson on the enquiries

Lesson 2

What made the Northern Earls Revolt in 1569?

Lesson 3

How significant a threat did the Revolt of the Northern Earls pose to Elizabeth?

week 6

Lesson 1

How threatening were Catholic plots after 1570?

Lesson 2

Why was Mary Queen of Scots executed in 1587?

Spring Term

week 1

Lesson 1

Changing definition of Crime in Early Modern time

Lesson 2

Law enforcement in Early Modern

week 2

Lesson 1

Punishment in Early Modern time

Lesson 2

Case studies Early Modern

week 3

Lesson 1

Crime in 1700-1900

Lesson 2

Law enforcement and Punishment 1700-1900

week 4

Lesson 1

Case studies from 1700-1900

Lesson 2

Crime 1900-present

week 5

Lesson 1

Law enforcement and punishment 1900-present

Lesson 2

Case studies 1900-present