Year 10 History

Autumn Term

week 1-2

Lesson 1

The German Reich, 1871-1918

Lesson 2

The Russian Revolution, 1917

Lesson 3

How democratic was the Weimar Constitution?

Lesson 4

Why did the German people feel stabbed in the back?

Lesson 5

Why was there a rise in political extremism in Germany after WW1?

week 3-4

Lesson 1

Why was 1923 known as a year of crisis?

Lesson 2

How did Germany recover its economy in the years 1924-29?

Lesson 3

How did Germany improve their international relations, 1924-29?

Lesson 4

Were the 1920s a golden age for all Germans?

Lesson 5

How far had the Weimar Republic recovered by 1929?

week 5-6

Lesson 1

Why was the year 1929 a significant turning point for Germany?

Lesson 2

The early development of the Nazi Party: what did Hitler believe in?

Lesson 3

Who were the SA and what was their role?

Lesson 4

What was the Munich Putsch?

Lesson 5

What were the consequences of the Munich Putsch?

week 7

Lesson 1

What were the Nazi Party strategies during the lean years?

Lesson 2

Why were the Nazi Party so successful after 1929?

Lesson 3

How did political developments in 1932 result in Hitler becoming Chancellor in January 1933?

Spring Term

week 1

Lesson 1

How far did the Nazi party control the state through propaganda?

Lesson 2

How much resistance existed in Nazi Germany before 1939?

week 2

Lesson 1

What were Nazi attitudes and policies towards women?

Lesson 2

How successful were Nazi policies towards women?

week 3

Lesson 1

Why were young people so important to the Nazi Party?

week 4

Lesson 1

Why was controlling education so important to the Nazi party?

Lesson 2

How successful were Nazi policies at reducing unemployment?

week 5

Lesson 1

How far did the lives of German workers improve after 1933?

Lesson 2

How did the Nazi party view and portray minorities in society?

week 6

Lesson 1

How did the persecution of the Jews escalate after 1933?