Make your ideas reality

Got some creative energy? This course is all about making your ideas happen thanks to rapid prototyping technology. In this course you will learn 3D printing, laser cutting, and more, which will give you the power to make almost anything from jewelry to a car design to the next heart surgery device. Digital media is where you can turn your ideas into reality.

Prepare yourself for the future

What you do in digital media can be used everywhere. Going into visual art? Digital media introduces you to tools that you will find in university. Architecture or engineering? Digital media introduces you to the tools that are used every day by professionals. Business? Digital Media gives you the tools to make your product ideas a reality. Not interested in college or university? Digital media can give you employable skills in the technology that we use.

BUILD the impossible

You've seen our work, and it looks crazy but it's easy to do!

We all have dreams that we think are impossible to build. You might be surprised at how easy these things are by using Digital Media. This course is gives you a full semester with art making technology which is ample time to learn how to do things. No matter who you are, or how comfortable you are with technology, you can make awesome stuff.