
Vanier's Drama students created HOPE Story Videos using collections of found and original work to share their stories of HOPE.

Grade 11/12 Drama - ADA 3M/4M

Brina Liu

For this HOPE project, I’ve chosen to use film audio recordings to express my ideas. This HOPE video expresses how people feel about the epidemic and what people hope for, bringing out an important message that we must still have hope even during the hard times.

I hope this video can connect with the audience and the ones who are depressed and stressed during this period of tough times, giving them hope and positivity.

Brina Liu - The Essence of Life.mp4

Aved Keyork Sarkis

I chose to express my idea of HOPE using the internet by getting my friends together in the game Minecraft for a short scene about what HOPE means to them with the use of comedy. This message is important to me because I am hopeful for a lot of things these days.

I HOPE people could get a good laugh while watching my video and appreciate the creativity of doing this through a video game.

Aved Keyork Sarkis - Distant.mp4

Grade 10 Drama - ADA 2O

Sayra Tajrian

The way I have chosen to express my idea of hope is through audio and variety of pictures. This is because I think it's easier to understand the story .

This is an important message to me because this actually happened in real life. I hope people experience the feeling of trying so hard and that things are possible when you try your best. I also hope they experience the power of hope and how strong it is.

Sayra Tajrian - My Hope Story.MOV

Eniola Adeoye

I chose to express Hope in the using voice, pictures, and music. Hope is important for me because growing up, I saw violence around me and outside of my country, which made me lose hope for a better future. Coming to Canada helped to regain some of that lost hope and I am thankful for that. It’s the main reason I decided to choose this topic, to help others find hope.

I hope people feel motivated and inspired by my video and will have hope for the future.

Eniola Adeoye - Hope For All.mp4

Brianna Gordon

I decided to call my assignment “Hope From Both Angles”. With this piece, I really wanted to show that hope can be a good and bad thing.

Brianna Gordon - Hope from Both Angles.mp4

Grade 9 Drama - ADA 1O

Anjali Tewari

Through the video “Never Alone”, I have expressed my idea of hope by letting others know that sometimes people feel lonely and they may get to a point where they believe they’re never going to be happy again however, there is always hope. If there is anything stronger than fear, it’s hope. This message is really important to me since sometimes people forget that bad times are temporary and they force themselves into believing there is no other way ; my video tells them that clearly there is.

When watching my video I hope people will feel encouraged and determined to do better in life and be happier. In times like this with a pandemic in the world going on it is normal for people to feel low and down but over time it can have negative effects on mental health; hopefully my video is enough to bring a smile across some faces. It is important to know that everyone is truly never alone.

Anjali Tewari - Never Alone .mp4

Nick Baramidze

I think loneliness can be a good thing for some people to have critical thoughts for themselves. But when people don’t use it as that reason it is completely a waste of time. This is what Shaw goes through and Dr. Brimace is there to help him. This is important because I think everyone goes through this kind of phase in their life and some people get lost and don't understand what to do.

I hope people experience gratitude and understand what emotions others experience and everyone should be nice to each other.

Nick Baramidze - Hope.mp4