
Grade 11/12 Photography - awq3/4m

Photography students were given the opportunity to communicate their message of HOPE using any medium of their choice.

Muskaan Layoira

My message is to show people that we are like the seeds right now, closed in the dark and the only purpose of ours is to grow. Seeds take time to develop, this quarantine has given us plenty of time to bloom and make ourselves a better person and this world a better place. It communicates hope by showing us that everything will be okay, it just needs some time and plenty of patience.

Sophia Moreira Mobrici

I wanted to take a different approach towards this assignment. First, I asked myself what hope meant to me personally. After a while of thinking I realized that hope for the future and progression in people's perspectives is what I see as hope. I thought of expressing it by showing racial equality, LGBT rights and women's rights, but that seemed hard to do because I didn’t know how to properly express two out of those options. I figured sticking to the one that relates more to me which would be LGBT rights.

When I look around nowadays I see that we’ve had good progress with accepting others for the way they are, but it’s not enough. I see a lot of homophobia especially online and it really upsets me because not being straight isn’t something someone can change, love isn’t a choice. That’s just how some people are born and there's nothing wrong about it. Other than religious reasons (which I personally don’t agree with) there really isn’t a good excuse to hate LGBT people, they aren't affecting anyone's life by just living and I feel greatly for those who are killed just for the gender they prefer. I hope this generation is a changing point and we all become more accepting.

Pourya Kazemi

Light of Hope

Julia Filimonova

Caleb Tracey

This photo tells my view on hope by showing a personal story of my step mother who is a nurse, waking up and doing her early morning routine from 4:30am to pray for people affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. She takes this time before her shift as a front-line worker to help patients. The sunlight represents hope beaming down as she does her part to help during these rough times.