We have expanded the focus of the Arts & Culture SHSM to offer enriching opportunities to students across all of Vanier's Art disciplines.

Students and staff in Music, Drama, and Visual Art collaborate in various Arts experiences, led by industry experts, to gain insight into post-secondary and career opportunities, to learn and hone new skills, and to foster relationships and strengthen ties within the Vanier Arts community.

The Arts & Culture Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) program allows students to focus their learning on a specific economic sector while meeting the requirements for their Ontario Secondary School Diploma.

Participating students will:

  • Earn an Arts focused credit bundle

  • Receive industry recognized certifications and training

  • Earn a two credit Arts focused Co-op Education Work Experience (grade 11, or 12, or summer co-op)

  • Take part in Reach Ahead and Experiential Learning opportunities

  • Develop an essential skills inventory using the Ontario Skills Passport

Recent SHSM Certifications offered to our ADVANCE students:

  • Proposal and Grant Writing

  • Music Recording with Metalworks Institute

  • Mural Painting with Fiya (Gilda Monreal)

  • Game Design by the Hand Eye Society

  • Motors in your art, run by INTERACCESS.

  • Arduino, also run by INTERACCESS

  • Painting and Drawing SHSM Certification at the AGO

  • Portfolio Development

  • Silkscreen with Kingi Carpenter

  • Animation run by TAIS (Toronto Animated Image Society)


  • Students toured the Gordon Parks exhibit at the Ryerson Image Centre as part of a Reach-Ahead activity

  • Students visited the World Press Photo Exhibit at Brookfield Place

  • Students attended the Creative Futures College and University fair presented by Applied Arts Magazine at the Ontario Science Centre. The day also included a panel discussion with Art and Design industry leaders, an exhibition of award winning art and design.

  • Students completed their ICE (Innovation, Creation, and Entrepreneurship) Certification at the CBC. This included a talk/tour with the CBC Arts and Entertainment team, who spoke to their organization and various careers.

  • Students were then presented with a real business challenge the CBC is facing, and were tasked with identifying and developing viable solutions.

Arts and Culture Apply Now (1).pdf