Yr 5 and 6

Welcome Yr 5 and 6

Remember to stay safe online and always let an adult know which websites you are using.

Week 12: Week beginning 13th July

This week I will continue to set work on Education City. To access this work and to try out all the fun activities on this site, you need to send an email to get your log in details. Email: year5.6@swbschool.net

Hello Yr 5 and 6. I hope you and your families are staying safe and well.

This is our final week of the SWB Home learning page for this school year. I hope you have enjoyed the activities.

Thank you to everyone who has logged on to all the online learning sites and who has shared work with me by emailing me at: yr5.6@swbschool.net

Next week marks the beginning of the official Summer Holidays. Enjoy yourselves, keep safe and happy. Yr 6, Good luck in your new secondary schools. Yr 5, we are looking forward to welcoming you all back on Thursday, 3rd September when you will be our new Yr 6!

Ellie, Shah and Helen say a fond farewell to all our Year 6's and have a special message for Year 5's.

Helen Ellie Shah final video.mp4

If you would like to share your work, please send it to year5.6@swbschool.net Who knows, you may become a star of the week!

There is no need to print work off. Just work from the screen and write your answers on a separate piece of paper.

This week’s theme is puzzles and mysteries. There will be many puzzles, mysteries and tests to solve. So get cracking……

Reading comprehension

Reading: This week’s Reading Comprehension is a Whodunnit mystery story. You need to read the evidence carefully and make deductions about who may have committed the crime. Read the evidence here. Write the evidence and make your deductions here. The only clue I will give you is: dates. There are three different levels. Either work your way up through the levels or choose a level and remember to challenge yourself. When you have deduced who committed the crime look to see if you were correct by checking on the answers here.

The Curse of Cogston House - click here

Reading comprehension

Read the short mystery story The Curse of Cogston House - click here

Complete the reading comprehension here.

Reading response

Pause on page 33 of the book (as asked) and predict what could happen at the end of the story.

Work through the Powerpoint

Writing Task

Watch this video. Use the vocabulary sheet here to help you to write your own mystery story based on the video. Work through the Powerpoint on tips to create suspense and tension in your story.

Spelling test week 12.mp4

Spelling Test

Grab a piece of paper and a pencil and start the spelling video for this week’s spelling test. This week, the test will feature many words taken from our Science topic this term, Plants and from our IPC topic this term, Religions of the World.


Do these Spag assessment tests. Begin with the Yr 5 test here then complete the Yr 6 test here both have the answers at the end for you to mark your own work.


Use your knowledge of SPAG to escape from the ESCAPE ROOM.

Work your way through the challenge card clues here and record the number you get for each question. Write down the numbers as you work them out. This is the code you would use to escape the Escape Room. Check your answers here. The correct code is given here, but don't look until you have tried to work out the code for yourself!

Extra Holiday Homework:

Year 5 English Summer Activity Book: Click here.

Year 6 English Summer Activity Book: Click here.

Year 5 English Summer Activity Book: Answers here.

Year 6 English Summer Activity Book: Answers here.


Do the new arithmetic paper, click here and then afterwards check your answers here. Try to beat your score from last week.

Keep your tables ticking over by doing an online tables test . We usually do 80 questions division and multiplication up to 12 times table. If you prefer, you can print off the test here and do it on paper here Remember to set a timer to record your time. Did you beat last week’s time and score?

Watch this video here

Maths - logic

In maths this week, we will be doing a whole host of puzzles involving sequencing, seeing links and logic.

Watch this video here and see how many of the ten logic puzzles you can solve. Think very carefully, don’t guess! They may not be as simple as they appear at first. If you need extra time to solve, pause the video!

Maths - number sequences

Take this Year 5 online quiz on number sequences. Click here:

Take this Year 6 online quiz on number sequences. Click here:

Maths - number sequences

Work out the rule for the number sequences shown on this sheet-click here and continue the pattern. The answers are at the end.

Leonardo Fibonnaci (Italian Mathematician) 1170-1240.

Maths -Number Sequences: Fibonacci

Look in more detail at the number sequence in the Fibonacci sequence. Watch this video-click here and look at the Powerpoint. Do the challenges here. Finally do the sheet here. The answers are at the end.


Work out the mathematical puzzles here and escape from THE ESCAPE ROOM!

Work out the answers to the challenge cards here. The answer to each will be a number. Record the number to find the code to escape the Escape Room. The answers to the challenge cards are here. The code solution is here.

Extra Holiday Homework:

Year 5 Maths Holiday Activity book click here.

Year 6 Maths Holiday Activity book click here.

Year 5 Maths Holiday Activity book answers here.

Year 6 Maths Holiday Activity book answers here.

Finally, go to Accelerated Maths Homework Book and do the diagnostic test on number patterns and sequences.


Watch this video about the Fibonacci sequence in nature: Click here.


Up until 2010, Year 6 children would have to sit a SAT paper in Science. I thought it might be interesting, at the end of the school year, to do an old Science Sat paper from 2009. The paper is here and the answers are here.

I have set more science work on the site Education City You will need to email me at yr5.6@swbschool.net for your log in details if you haven’t done so already. The activities are set in the Homework section. Your log in details will allow you to access lots of amazing activities in Education City so don’t delay, email today!


For the last six weeks we have been learning all about world religions. Test your knowledge of the main world religions by taking online quizzes here.

If you prefer, do the quizzes on paper. Scroll down for the questions followed by the answers. Do independent research to find any answers you don't know.

Buddhism – click here

Christianity – click here

Hinduism – click here

Islam – click here

Judaim- click here

Sikhism – click here



Let your mind roam free by doing some mindful colouring in on sheets based on the Fibonacci sequence here.

Watch the video by clicking here.


Have a go at drawing this wonderful spiral based on the Fibonacci sequence. Click here.

Joe Wicks.PNG

Do this workout.


If you are doing Joe Wicks every day, you will be getting fitter and fitter every day! Try this workout.

Practise the gym movements we did last week. Do repeats of each one 10 times. Put a timer on and see if you can get quicker and quicker at doing your circuit of movements. Can you beat your scores from last week?

Click here to watch the workout video.


Get your whole family to join you in this Fun Family Fitness Workout. Click here.


If you haven’t already done so, Check out Orit’s wonderful video on the music and dance page where she dances Bollywood style.

To watch the video, click here.


Keep happy and dance along to the music in this video, click here.

Puzzle Corner

Watch this video - click here - and try to Guess the sound.

Puzzle Corner

Have a go at guessing which is the odd one out. Look at the sheets by clicking here. The answers are at the end.

Puzzle Corner

Have a go at this interactive puzzle by clicking here. You have to place the four dominoes so that each side of the square they make has the same number of dots.


Puzzle Corner

I am still trying to do this puzzle. If you haven't tried yet, gave a go at filling a five by five grid with different coloured squares by clicking on this Nrich Maths page. Scroll down for the interactive puzzle. You are not allowed to repeat a colour in any row, column or diagonal. I have had several goes and I haven't succeeded yet! See if you can do better than me by solving the puzzle!

Summer Holiday Activity Booklet. Click here.

This is the final week of the Class Yr 5/6 online learning page. I will continue to monitor our online learning sites once a week during the holidays so if you would like to log on and do some holiday homework please do.

A lot of work is still set on Accelerated Maths (homework assignment book). You can also finish exercises, tests and diagnostic tests in all the other assignment books. For more maths activities remember to use Mathletics. In addition to subject exercises here, there are also arithmetic tests set for you to do.

Reading: Remember to read every day. I have been checking Accelerated Reading everyday. Well done to the children who completed and passed tests this week. Aim to read a book this week and complete a quiz.

Don’t forget to keep logging into Spag.com too. It is important to keep all those Spag terms fresh in your brains so that you don't forget them.

Thank you to the children who have emailed me to get their log in details for Education City. They were able to access the Science homework here and to access all the fun activities on this site. If you haven’t already done so, email me for your log in details on year5.6@swbschool.net

Keep doing your 10 minute a day Sat Buster tests and your reading comprehension exercises (3 per week) In addition to all of this, here are this week’s activities.

Goodbye to all our Year 6 Leavers and Good luck in your new schools.

We look forward to welcoming all our Year 5 back into school on Thursday September 3rd. When you come back, you will be SWB's new Year 6!

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