Year 5

Week 12 - Monday 13th July 2020

Dear Children,

We have come to the end of our school year and our on-line learning. This is our last week of google classroom, video lessons and google meets. I would like to use this opportunity to thank all of the children who have been participating in our on-line learning in one way or another: watching the video lessons, joining our live lessons, doing all the assignments and sharing your work with me. I would like to wish you all a great summer and I am looking forward to seeing you in September!

We will still be learning this week so get ready!

On Monday, in our IPC lesson, the last in our Great Ideas series, we are going to look at a very modern idea in economics- a franchise - and yes, we are going to study McDonald’s !

On Tuesday, our last maths- we will review some of the main operations we have covered in Year 5 and I will give you some homework ideas for the summer.

On Wednesday, your last writing exercise and we are going to look at the language used in advertising and marketing.

On Thursday, some Fun SPAG (I know, it is a bit of an oxymoron).

On Friday, our last live lesson. No need for a pen or pencil this time. Look out for the announcement about the timing of the lesson as we come closer to Friday.

If you have any work you would like to share with me, this is the moment!

“See” you next week!



Week 11 - Monday 6th July 2020

Dear Children,

I am very pleased with your algebraic skills as demonstrated during our live lesson on Friday. Well-done! Also, thank you for your essays, stories and any other work you have sent to me. We are coming to the end of our virtual learning, with two more weeks to go, so let’s make it exciting!

On Monday, in our IPC lesson and Great Ideas, we are going to have a look at Artificial Intelligence (AI), its history, present and near and more distant future. We are going to look at benefits as well as disbenefits of AI and how it could impact our lives in positive as well as negative ways.

On Tuesday, in maths, we are going to explore some more complex algebraic equations.

On Wednesday, we are going to look at sci-fi as a literary genre and I will ask you to write a piece of science fiction!

On Thursday, more SPAG and we are going to look at phrasal verbs.

I am not yet sure about the time of the live lesson on Friday - we may have to move it to the morning. Look out for the announcements in google classroom.

As usual, I will be posting video lessons and worksheets in google classroom every day. Also, check the Accelerated Maths and Education City for additional on-line work. Stay well and “see” you on Monday for our first lesson next week!



Week 10 - Monday 29th June 2020

Dear Children,

Thank you for attending our live lesson on Friday. It was great to see so many of you and have Avril with us. For everyone who could not participate in the lesson, I have uploaded the recording into the google classroom. Also, I would like to thank everyone who posted their work as well as contributed constructively to our Stream discussions.

We have another busy and, hopefully, entertaining week ahead of us.

On Monday – in our IPC session on Great Ideas, we are going to look at the invention of film and cinematography. We will look at a brief history of cinema and the major milestones in its development.

On Tuesday – in Maths we are going to face some algebraic challenges.

On Wednesday - in Literacy, we are going to read a film review and you are going to be asked to write one.

On Thursday – in our SPAG, we will revise modal verbs.

On Friday – I am looking forward to our live lesson at 14.15.

All our lessons are taking place in our google classroom. I upload video lessons, slides and assignments daily, but you are welcome to revisit any of the lessons and assignments in the Classwork section, including the ones from previous weeks. I am always happy to receive your work, so please feel free to share it with me.

Also, I add exercises to you Accelerated Maths and Education City on regular basis. Please keep checking the google classroom for new assignments and announcements.

Stay well,



Week 9 - Monday 22nd June 2020

Dear Children,

I enjoyed “seeing” so many of you during our Friday “google meet” and I am pleased to report that I am very happy with your knowledge and understanding of ratios and proportions as well as the perfect tenses. Keep up the good work!

A busy and interesting week ahead of us so … ready, steady, GO!

On Monday, in our IPC lesson, I am going to introduce you to another great idea. This time we are going to China, circa 500 BCE and I will present you with one of the great Chinese masters: 孔夫子

We are going to study the five virtues and learn how to write them in Chinese characters. We are also going to apply them to our daily lives.

On Tuesday, more arithmetic revision.

On Wednesday, in our literacy lesson, we are going to look at character descriptions, with a particular focus on personality traits and virtues (or vices). You are going to be asked to describe a character.

On Thursday, we will continue revising tenses and this time, we are going to look at progressive forms.

On Friday, another live lesson and we may have it at 14.15 again, to include the children who are at the school. Look out for an announcement.

Also, look out for new reading comprehensions, number games and announcements in our google classroom.

As usual, thank you for all the work you are sharing with me. I really enjoy reading your writing so keep at it. I will be adding exercises to the Accelerated Maths and Education City so look out for new assignments this coming week. Do not forget about reading at least an hour every day. If you have any problems accessing the materials on-line, have any questions about exercises or the material we are covering, please do not hesitate to contact me via google classroom.

Stay well and “see” you on Monday!



Week 8 - Monday 15th June 2020

Dear Children,

Again, I have really enjoyed our live lesson on Friday and I am so pleased that you have not forgotten your percentages, fractions and decimals. “Thank you” to everyone who attended and I have uploaded a recording of the lesson into the google classroom for everyone who could not be with us. Also, I would like to thank everyone who submitted the biographies, animal facts as well as the drawings.

We have an interesting week ahead of us and we will continue learning in the google drive.

On Monday, in our IPC lesson, in Great Ideas, we will learn about Prince Siddhārtha and his teachings.

On Tuesday we will continue revising arithmetics.

On Wednesday, in our Literacy lesson, we will look at fables and I will ask you to write one.

On Thursday, in SPAG, we will look at how the perfect tense is used in the past and the future.

And on Friday, we will have our live lesson, which I am already looking forward to.

Continue uploading and sharing your work, look out for daily number games in the Stream and do some work in Accelerated Maths and Education City. Try to do as much reading as you can as well.

Stay well and “see you” on Monday!



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