Week 12 - Monday 13th July

If you would like to share your work with June please send it to

Hello everyone! I hope you are all keeping well and staying safe.

Welcome to the last Home Learning page before the summer holiday. I do hope you will enjoy the activities. This week we are looking at advertisements.

A huge thank you to all of you who have kept yourselves busy learning, whether you've been using the white SPaG and Maths Workout books, reading and writing at home, using these pages and sharing your work with me, you are all wonderful! THANK YOU SO MUCH! It is so important not to let our brains get a little rusty! Thank you Katherine and Ramira who have been keeping busy, they join Humaira, Sumayah and Zayd in finishing Mathletics. Well done all of you, you are all amazing!

If you joined this SWB Home Learning website a little late in the term maybe have a look at all of the Year 4 pages... it's not too late to do some of the activities! I've also added a Summer Maths Booklet, a Summer English Booklet, some craft ideas and some puzzles in the Extras section for those rainy summer days!

Wishing you all a very healthy, happy holiday and I look forward hugely to seeing you all in September! I wonder if you've all grown as much as I have?! (I've rediscovered baking!)

Take care everyone,

Love, June

Some of you have been working on the white CGP Year 4 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling books and Year 4 Maths 10 Minute Weekly Workout books, and have asked for the answers to mark the work. Please find the answers here.

A huge congratulations if you have already finished the books! WELL DONE!



This week you have yet another list of tricky spellings that are on Spellodrome. I will read out the spellings, you write the words down, then you can check your spellings here. Practice through the week and test yourself again on Friday. Good luck and enjoy the games on Spellodrome!



1. Cloze exercise

Here is this week's Cloze Exercise (No.14). Work with care!

Click here to check your answers.

2. Grammar and Punctuation

Here is Grammar and Punctuation test (No.6) for this week. Good Luck!

Click here to check your answers.

3. Correct the Spelling Mistakes

Here is your last Correct the Spelling Mistakes!

Check your answers here.


For our last week we are linking our Writing and IPC Art tasks. Here we are going to look at Persuasive Writing in Advertisements.

First, look at the PowerPoint to the right, this should help to get you thinking about adverts and the language they use.

Next, please read the comprehension below on the Five Palms Hotel. Then, please answer the questions that follow.

Wouldn't it be nice to be there at the moment. I think I'd head to the Spa! I guess you would all head to the pool!

You can check your answers here.

Qs persuasive-hotel-advertisement-writing-sample_ver_1.pdf

One of the questions in the reading comprehension asks about rhectorical questions. A rhectorical question is one that does not require an answer. For example, a friend of mine often says: 'But what would I know?' when she's a little cross. She doesn't actually want me to tell her all that she knows! She wants me to know she's a little bit fed up! In case that didn't make sense to you, I've added a little poster below to help :-)



1. If you've been watching The Borrowers each week, I really hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to take a quiz (Quiz number: 200002). There are more books in the series if you'd like to read the further adventures of The Borrowers.

2. Tower Hamlets have launched their Summer Reading Challenge, use this link to find out more. Good luck! Don't forget you can download books from the Idea Store online, you may need a adult to sign you up.

3. Please keep reading your own books and your AR books. Don't forget to take tests and email me if you need one deleted. Look in Learning Resources for other reading resources.



On the website use the online times tables tests, or if possible, print off the Speed Trial of the times tables you know you need to learn. Remember to use 'Hit the button' on Topmarks too.


For those of you who have completed all of the AM tasks since school closed you have finished all of the Year 4 AM objectives! Well done you! We have revisited tricky objectives over the last few weeks, so this week we'll try something different...

This week, we are looking at a Year 5 objective: rounding decimals.

Rounding decimals is quite tough but I know there are many of you who are rounding whole numbers really well and could move on to decimals. So, have a go!

First, look at the PowerPoint called Rounding Decimals.

Then please complete one (or more!) of the Rounding Decimals worksheets.

There is also a Colour by Rounding Decimals activity and a Rounding Decimal Numbers game to help you become more familiar and a little quicker at rounding decimals. I hope you enjoy them. :-)

Check you worksheet answers here.

Next, please complete your AM class exercise which has questions on Rounding Decimals. If you have an unfinished exercise please do that first.

When you finish, please work on any AM exercise you might have in your group, then any test, diagnostic test and practice, and don't forget Maths Facts. Thank you.

Qs rounding-decimals-differentiated-activity-sheets_ver_4.pdf


Last week I thought we would have several puzzles, but no one has shared any correct answers, so the same puzzles stay! Please have a go! They're not that tricky!

Maths Puzzle No.3 Triple Treat

Maths Puzzle No.4 Matchstick Mayhem

Maths Puzzle No.8 Mystery Parking

Maths Puzzle No.11 How old is Lucy?

Don't forget to share your answers with me. Good luck :-)

IPC: Inventions (History)

As this is our final week on Inventions, I thought we would not look at a specific invention but look at inventions generally. We are also going to think about the design and advertising of products.

First, there is a Famous Designers and Inventors PowerPoint for you to look at. You don't necessarilly need to do any of the activitities. Next to the PowerPoint is a cut-out-and-paste acitivity on Appliance Ordering to help you think about the importance of housedhold items and how such inventions changed people's lives.

There is also a brief worksheet on Interesting Inventors, some you may need to look up. Finally, there is a Scientist and Inventors Crossword for you that you should now be able to complete.

Famous Designers and Inventors.ppt
Appliance Ordering Activity Sheet.pdf
Wk12 S cientists-and-Inventors-Crossword.pdf

IPC - Inventions (Art)

Be imaginative, be inspired!

As it is the end of our Inventions topic I hope you have an idea for your own invention. Remember, you don’t have to actually make it, a design drawing will do! You can use the squared paper here for your drawing but any paper will do.

Over the weeks many of you have shared your ideas. Here are a few, Malina's invention is The Sleeping Night Light. There's Tiana's Food Flavourer and Humaira's Keep Your Cool Backpack and her Rub-cil! Aren't they impressive!

But now it's time to advertise your invention...

Be creative, get advertising!

As this is our final week on Inventions we will now look at advertising our inventions! You need to sell your product!

Once you have your idea I'd like you to make a poster or presentation to advertise your product!

First, please look at the Persuasive Writing in Advertising PowerPoint and at the Persuasive Adverts poster on the right to help you to start thinking about your advert.

Next, there is a planning sheet for you to help you gather your ideas.

You can then make your poster digitally, but if you would like to draw your poster here is an Awesome Advertisements sheet, but any paper will do.

If you'd like to make a presentation to advertise your product you could use PowerPoint or Keynote.


Several years ago a Year 4 class used iMovie to make this video of their invention ideas: SWB News! Year 4 Invention Adverts! I thought you might like to see it, it could help you to develop some of your own ideas.

Be crafty!

Last week, Week 11, we looked at reusing plastic bottles for some craft activities. Look at these amazing penguins!

Many of you have enjoyed these craft activities and have shared them with me, they've been great!

But if you haven't made anything youself yet you might like to look back for some ideas:

Week 10 - egg carton crafts and making string telephones using tin cans or plastic cups

Week 9 - paper aeroplanes and helicopters

Week 8 - toilet roll crafts

Week 7 - empty cereal boxes

Do have a look if you missed these and have fun!

Be amused!

At the end of each term in school we often watch a film related to our topic. This week we would have watched a Wallace and Gromit film as they are our favourite, entertaining inventors!

As I can't add a film to this page I thought we could look at the Wallace and Gromit website instead. On the website, there are clips of their many films, The Curse of the Were-Rabbit is my favourite! There are lots of activities too. I hope you have fun exploring the website :-)


ICT (Coding)

  • Keep playing LightBot and Cargo-Bot if you can, and look at Week 5's Code-a-Cake too.

  • Do you want to put your coding skills to the test? Try the Games Designer Club, you'll need an adult to sign you up.

  • Throughtout the term we followed an animated series 'Think Like A Coder', where a girl, Ethic, and her robot companion, Hedge, attempt to save the world. The two embark on a quest to collect three artefacts and must solve their way through a series of programming puzzles. If you didn't followed this and would like to, it started on Week 2.


Summer activities

If you'd like to keep busy over the summer here are some booklets, puzzles and craft activities that I hope you'll like.

Year 4 Summer Themed Maths Booklet - Questions.pdf
Year 4 Summer English Activity Booklet.pdf


FACT OR FICTION? Remember to always get your news from a reliable source. Here are the links to these trusted sources: The Week Junior (for this you will need to sign in with this code: TWJ1601mno), BBC Newsround and Sky News - FYI. Check out the sites, there's plenty to keep you informed and entertained.

Mindful moments

I thought I would add some activities for when you might need to take a break. First there is a short video called '3 Minutes Body Scan Meditation', and here are links to a few Mindful Minute Brain Breaks from previous weeks, the Balloon Breaths, the Bubble Breaths, the Starfish Breaths, and Rainbow Breaths which are all so calming.

Please look at Week 8 if you'd like some Mindfulness colouring sheets.


There will always be work waiting for you, I try to set only 4-5 activities so you should be able to access Mathletics Live too. Well done to those of you who use Mathletics regularly, five of you have actually finished every task!

Education City:

There will always be work on Maths, Literacy, Science and Computers waiting for you here. Well done to those of you who have kept up to date with everything I've set!

PE and Yoga

There are always some good workouts in The Week Junior magazine. Click here for PE with Joe Wicks and Cosmic Yoga for Kids. Rio and Kate Ferdinand also do daily workouts if you'd like to look at those.

Dance and Music

If you haven’t already done so, check out the Music and Dance section at the very top of this page. You'll find dances with Lauren and Orit, and some songs for Choir.

If you would like to share your work with June please send it to

Previous weeks